at first sight.

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Hey my name is storm and I'm just your schools normal nonsocial emo kid... Nothing special.

You know, the ones that aren't hard to miss but you pay no attention to other than to shove into

Lockers from time to time and call a fag, the ones that disappear out of nowhere and you forget they ever existed?

Yeah that’s me, and my life was just wonderful besides school I did nothing really but listen to music, read, and draw.. That is when I had time away from packing.

You see I'm the kid, old people look at and glare..

The disappointment..

Besides my tight yet slightly sagged skinnies a band T-shirt and  hoodie

My natural looks don’t help at all when it comes to looking "normal"

you see I've got black hair the blue eyes and my skin is pale as paper not a freckle or blemish in sight, and any person would probably think I was very lucky but what they don't know is how bad my delicate skin can scar.. 

Good morning storm! Storm! Get up and get dressed we need to be there before 8am I’ve got a plain to catch!”

I don't want to go you can't make me"

Lifting my head up slightly knowing she wouldn't like that comment at all.

but to my surprise she seemed to calm down as she slowly stepped to my bedside " honey I know but it's only for 6 months and I'll be sending you money every 2 weeks. I don't want you to cause any problems while I'm gone ok?" mom smiled and continued,     "your aunt and uncle love you and you will be taking all your stuff so hopefully it will be easy for you to make yourself at home"

 now you’re probably wondering what she's talking about, well we are moving.... and mom needs to leave before me so she can find a house and get settled in, just to make sure she liked the town, the house and her new job, id be staying with my aunt and uncle for the time being, those of witch I haven't known for very long.

“Mom please take me with you I don't want to stay with them. I don't want to share a room with their son! Hell, I’ve never even met him!" suddenly I felt the guilt spread though me I knew she was trying and I can’t be mad at her for that. “Honey just do this for us, things will get better, at least you two don't have to share a bed!" she smiled and with that in mind she left. She always made a joke of things or at least find a way to show me things could be way worse and that I should be grateful for what I do have.

To be honest with you I don’t know what I am I’m not gay….. but um not strait… and I don’t find either gender attractive at all, so all in all I’m just, weird, I’ve never had a girlfriend.. Or a boyfriend and I don’t plan on it.

I just pulled up to my aunt and uncle’s house and man I’m not ready for this at all. I don’t want to live here and I don’t want to share a room with someone I’ve never met, all I know is his name I think its Blake? Or Luke? Yeah I don’t know!

 I got out of the car, grabbed my suit case and stepped up to the front porch, I knocked three times and rang on the doorbell but nobody came to the door wow what jerks! I went to pick the lock But the door was open as I slowly stepped in I could smell axe and cookies not that good of a mix but it still smelt decent, they had a spiral staircase wood floors and a small living room that looked quite cozy I went back outside to get the rest of my bags and when I was done I set them down in the living room and went to the kitchen where I found a tiny note on the table.. It read,

“Dear storm its auntie Anna me and Dan will be at work until six please make yourself at home and eat whatever you want. P.s blaze should be home to help you bring in your bags and take them to his room J See you later”

Blaze that’s his name. Ha I was close! Well if blaze is home where the hell was he when I knocked and rang the doorbell? Is he too good to get the door? Whatever ill just bring my stuff to his room maybe he’s asleep or something... as soon as I got upstairs I knew why I had to share a room with him it was huge, he must have gotten the master bedroom yeah that would make sence.

Wow I gotta pee where is his bathroom? Oh found it but as I opened the door a huge misty warmth spread over me and what stood in front of me was the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on he had a pale muscular figure and small beads of water where slowly running down his perfect chest as soon as I realized I was staring my eyes shot up to his eyes and If I thought I had pretty eyes I was wrong.

His eyes where seeing into my soul they were so inviting like nothing could go wrong and id always be okay they were so hypnotizing I never thought anything could be so incredibly perfect “er ehm”

“oh god uh um eh I I’ll just go” I shyly said starting to stutter turning around when I felt a firm grip on my arm that sent sparks throughout my whole body and butterflies in my stomach “no don’t your perfect”  I could feel the pink rising  up on my cheeks and then it hit me.  Wait did he just say I’m perfect? “ what?”

Blazes p.o.v

 My adoptive parents are great and I love them! but when they told me I was sharing a room with a cousin that I have yet to meet I wasn’t happy, and on top of that they told me the morning that he was coming witch didn’t help my anger at all.. I’d never take my anger out on them so I decided it would be best to go take a shower and calm myself down, Anna and Dan gave me the master bedroom for god knows why, their room wasn’t big enough for too but they made it work for me, and I’m not complaining I’ve got the best shower ever and I absolutely love it.

Taking off my cloths I stepped into the hot running water and my muscles instantly relaxed it felt so nice and nothing could have made this moment any better after about 10 minutes I washed my hair and my body and I stepped out and looked in the mirror wow I’m in shape! After intensely checking myself out I searched for towel oh that’s great I didn’t have one! And just as I was about to open the door it opened for me as a gust of cold airs brought chills to my body, and the most adorable thing stood before me he had jet back hair and pale skin he was skinny but not anorexic looking he had nice legs and that’s when I noticed he was staring  suddenly his eyes shot up to mine and his electric blue eyes shocked me to the bone he they were the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, I knew I was gay but he was not like any other guy I’ve ever seen he was completely perfect “er ehm”

“oh god uh um eh I I’ll just go” he stuttered and I noticed  how cute he was when he did that, he started to turn and leave when I caught is arm “no don’t your perfect” oh shit did I just say that out loud?

Wow I’m in for it he’s probably not even gay but by the way he was checking me out earlier I’m not so sure suddenly I saw his cheeks turn scarlet and confusion in his eyes I need to snap back to reality! “What?”      “I said you’re…

His eyes dropped and that’s when I realized I still didn’t have a towel “oh shit um could you maybe get me a towel?”  “um where are they?” he said still staring “in the closet on the right side of the shelves”                                     he immediately did as I asked and got me a soft baby blue towel and walked back holding his hand over his eyes “here you go” I gladly took it and covered my bottom half “I’ll get dressed you can go sit on the bed and wait till I’m done if you want”  and with that he walked out and I shut the door oh man this has got to be interesting!

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