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Storms p.o.v

oh my god, holy mother of cheese, what am I going to do I don’t want to kill myself, I’m finally happy, I’m happy with him.

I want to be with him forever, I love him.

I can’t break up with him, or kill myself, oh my god what is wrong with me oh my god I need to leave.

How does he even know I’m dating him, how does he know where I’m living.

I’m so scared I don’t know where he is or how he found me.

       1 week later

I wish I could just relax, blaze keeps telling me that I’m going to be ok and he won’t let anybody hurt me, I haven’t forgot about that note, I can’t even close my eyes without being scared.

We haven’t told Anna and Dan yet, until he really makes a move we won’t.

It was a Saturday morning and I was exhausted I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in weeks.

Me and blaze where sitting on the couch watching a movie when the doorbell rang

“I got it” getting up form blazes lap.

No don’t leave!!!” blaze wrapped his arms tightly around me to hold me back from getting up.

After a long struggle I finally got off him and checked the door and when I opened it there was a box on the doorstep.

And a blue note on the top. With a skull and crossbones on it.

I called for blaze and he came to help me. “If this is what I think it is I’m going to be pissed”

 “Please open it I’m scared”

“Of course Hun bring me a stick” I looked at him and got confused?

A stick? What do you need a stick for?” I asked him slightly laughing

Hey don’t laugh at me it could be a bomb or something. I don’t want to get too close to it!”


“Do you want to open it? Because I can go back and sit down if you want?”

“I’ll go get you a stick”

When I gave blaze the stick he took it and lifted each side of the box with the stick.  I could tell he wasn’t happy about what was inside but he wouldn’t let me see, finally he took the note off the box opened it, and handed it to me.

    I told you once to finish what I stared, you didn’t listen.

 Maybe this will make it easier.

                             Don’t let me down storm.

If you tell anyone, or you fail me again, ill hurt someone you love.

When I opened the box there was a pack of razors, a small bottle of bleach and something wrapped up in cloth, when I picked it up I instantly knew what it was.

It was a gun.

Blaze, what are we going to do?” I looked up at him

“We need to go” he looked at me with sad eyes.

What do you mean?”

“We need to go somewhere safe”

About an hour after packing my clothes, and anything else I needed we left the house and drove for hours, and hours…

It felt like forever.

I was half asleep when we finally stopped driving, when I looked up it was daylight outside and there was a small cottage on a hill up ahead, it was a cute little cottage it had red rose bushes and a tiny shed, a stone path and a pond surrounding the whole place.

Why are we here?” I asked blaze

Welcome to our current hiding place Hun” he looked at me with an apologetic smile.

When we grabbed all out bags and walked up the hill the air instantly got colder.

While walking across the pond on the stone path I noticed the shed was full of chopped wood, I wonder who lives here who cut the wood?

We walked into the house and it smelt like camping and cinnamon and cookies and mmmmmm… yum?

When we set our bags down blaze looked at me and smiled “okay so this is my house I inherited from my dead grandparents, they gave it to me instead of my dad”

“But it looks (and smells) like somebody lives here?”

“Yeah there are 4 ladies with their husbands who come and keep the place clean and kept up”

“Oh that’s nice” I said yawning, even though I had that nap I was still tired and wanted to go to bed!

Blaze looked at me and winked “come here babe”


He kissed the top of my forehead and said “the bed is in the second door on the left, go to sleep Hun”

“Ok goodnight” I kissed his lips, got out of his grip and walked down the hall when I got to the bed I didn’t even bother getting undressed. I just laid in the bed and fell sweetly to sleep.

I finally feel safe.

hey C.U.T.S lovers im sorry my chapters are short but I don't have that much time on the computer to wright so, if you just bare with me I promise, you wont be disappointed.

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