the begining of the end

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Storms p.o.v

<Three weeks later>

Ding dong”

I woke up with two strong arms wrapped around me, like every morning for the past three weeks, this is so perfect I’m finally happy and I feel on top of the world.

Nothing could change this feeling.

Wait why am I awake?

Oh yeah the doorbell.

I lift blazes arms and climb out of the bed, blaze sat up without opening his eyes “baby I’m cold….”

“I’ll be right back”


“It’s okay

I pecked his lips and walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the front door but when I opened it all I found was a note on the steps, its blue with a little skull and crossbones and it says, to my son, storm.

What kind of joke is this when I walked back inside with the note I went upstairs to show it to blaze, I still haven’t opened it, but when I got up there, he was still sleeping so I decided to take a shower.

When I got in the bathroom I shut the door and turned on the water.

Mist filled the bathroom quickly and I got undressed, when I stepped in the shower the harsh yet relaxing beads of burning liquid hit my back and I instantly forgot my problems.

I stood there for around ten minutes when I heard the bathroom door open and close, I figured blaze is using the bathroom but that was until I felt two long arms snake around my waist and pull me back to their chest but I got sparks when I felt him, I only get sparks from touching one person, blaze.

“get out who invited you??”

“Chill Hun I just figured I’d join you nothing to freak out about, relax haha just don’t drop the soap haha”

“Don’t even joke about it! Even if I do drop it, your picking it up!” I pouted

“Oh so you think you’re the top? Ha we will see about that” he let go of my waist and started tickling me to the point where he had me pinned down on the shower floor, looking deeply into my eyes he placed a kiss on my chest and I could feel myself starting to blush, he worked his way down with all his kisses down my chest and back up, he stared to use his tongue and I moaned.

This felt so right... he licked my nipples and sucked on both of them and they got hard, I couldn’t hold back my moans anymore...

I want more I want so much more, but I need to stop him I’m not ready for more, I don’t think I can handle that much.

storm it’s okay I’m not going any further I promise”  that’s when I realized my eyes where held shut tightly and my arms where covering my face, I felt so bad I don’t remember doing that.

I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want” I said as I looked at blaze and I could feel my eyes stinging ready for the tears to start pouring.

“Are you kidding me? Storm you’ve already made the happiest person alive, the least I can do is move at your pace, I have no problem with waiting until you’re ready and to be honest with you I’m not either”

Wait what? “Wait you’re a…...”

“yeah storm I am and the last few times I’ve been all over you, I wasn’t trying to ‘you know what’ actually I was going to go as far as you’d let me but still only as far as id go.”

“Wow I thought huh okay can you get off me now?”

“Oh um yeah”

When he got off of me I pulled two towels from the rack and gave blaze one of  them, I wrapped the towel around my waist and stepped out  and out of the bathroom I went to put close on but then I remembered the note

Hey come here”

“Yeah Hun?”

“Look at this note” he looked at it and opened the note, I could see the pure anger in his eyes and I took it from him

Dear storm,

Your a no good waste of time and you don’t disserve happiness, unless you do these 5 things ill make your life a living hell all over again.

1)      Brake up with that fag you’re not gay.

2)      Go to the store buy a pack of razors and some bleach.

3)      get a gun, just in case.

4)      Go in the bathroom, and finish what I started,

5)      Kill yourself.

If you fail, I’ll come back.

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