The Blackmail

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Here's the next chapter! Sorry for the delay! If there are any mistakes - please point out. Thank you and Enjoy!

The Blackmail

"Dad," Victoria whined, "What do you mean we have to stay overnight here, my apartment is literally a few blocks away I can walk."

"Baby they're saying the storm is pretty bad out there and it might take a few hours before anyone can leave, just bear with it please" her father Eric explained, trying to calm down his frantic daughter.

She hated hotels and everything associated with them - they were like stand still STDs just waiting to be caught. She didn't like the fact that she was about to be staying in some room a stranger just practically had sex in, maybe even murdered someone in. She didn't like the fact that she had to ride the elevator because most likely they'd be trying to keep the good name of this hotel- what's the name of it again Ocean Beach something- and have them situated at the top or second top floor.

"It's merely a drizzle outside I can catch a cab before it gets heavier-" she started only to be caught off by Gabriele walking towards them with what looked like a pina colada.

"Relax buzz kill. Its free food, free drinks and they give us free stay, plus I heard there's a dinner of some kind in the main hall tonight and we're invited"

"We don't have any clothes Gabby! That's why we need to go home" Victoria reasoned getting annoyed that her best friend actually wanted to stay here.

"Why do we have to stay overnight? Do our airline sister jets ever stay overnight at either of their locations?" She was blabbering now a nervous wreck and she just wanted to get out of this hotel.

"Baby I'm sure it'll be just a few hours, can you just breathe for a moment, let Gabby take you to the room and take a hot shower and just relax please" her father tried to reason with her, but the truth is only her mother knew how to handle situations like these and since she's been gone he'd always tried his very best. Victoria sighed a pout very present on that pretty face of hers, nervous fingers fiddled with her father's uniform trying to come up with an excuse as to why she shouldn't head to that room.

"Daddy I can't take the elevator and you know why."

'Daddy', that word only came out of her mouth when she either wanted something, did something wrong or didn't want to do something. Eric ran his fingers through his slightly grey hair about to give into his daughter demand until Gabby stepped in

"Give Eric a break you spoiled brat let's get going"

"I'm not climbing up all those stairs Gabriele" Victoria protested. She wasn't staying in that hotel and she was going to find a way to get out of it.

"What stairs? I asked for a ground suite" Gabriele smirked grabbing the brown haired girls arms and yanking her towards the suite areas. Victoria stared at her dad as she was being dragged away by her inhumane best friend but her dad had already climbed into the elevator off to his bedroom.


"What are those?" Victoria asked, drying her hair with the fresh towels that were set in the bathroom, well... at least she thought they were fresh. Her eyes raked over the two dresses laid upon the bed on which Gabby was so comfortable sitting on.

"Compliments of the hotel for the dinner we were invited to" Gabby explained eyeing the black dress. Victoria gasped.

"They gave us these? How much money do they make?" she exclaimed, pure shocked plastered over her face. Gabriele scoffed

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