The beginning....Her Name..... His number....

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The beginning....Her Name….. His number….

Staring at her firm behind he smirked, visions of what he could do to her flooded his every membrane. Turning around she caught his gaze and his smirk strengthened as he licked his lips straightening his self. She turned to her side whispering something into the young woman’s ear that was standing next to her. Giggling, the woman next to her turned around sending a flirtatious smile his way followed by a wink. He chuckled.

“Excuse me miss” He called trying to grab her attention, turning around she straighten her navy blue pencil skirt and made her way towards him smiling politely.

“May I offer you a glass of water or warm coffee sir” she spoke politely just as her father had taught her to. After all he was a paying costumer and although she didn’t like his stare on her she was doing her job and quite frankly she wanted to keep her father’s jet “the flamingo” in the air.

“Make it your number and I’m good” he responded his smirk still evident. Staring into his mocha eyes she was silent. Her number, that’s why he called her over here so he could get her number? She stood straight then looked away from him to his colleagues.

“I’m sorry sir but that is not allowed” he chuckled taking a hold of her hands and pulling her into the seat next to him.

“Do you know who I am darling” he question staring into her Bambi eyes. He’d never seen anything like it. They were an explosion of chocolate and he loved that. She snatched her hands away from him getting up from the sit he had just pulled her in.

“No I do not sir” she responded straighten her navy blue pencil skirt yet again. She couldn’t believe the nerve of this man. Who does he think he is coming here and trying to pick up a flight attendant in her father’s jet? He chuckled catching her off guard.

“Your father runs this jet no?” he question staring her down his vision still present. Biting into his lower lip he looked her down, taking in every bit of her curved body wanting to get a slice of that cake. She cleared her throat answering his question.

“Yes he does”

“I didn’t catch your name” he said still staring her down those visions of her under him calling out his name between breaths never leaving his mind.

“I’m sorry,” she began looking ahead to one of his colleague trying to get her attention, “But I do believe that duty calls.” With that she walked away as he continued to stare at her. Oh what he would give to fuck her into oblivion. Looking down to his paper work he sighed as the seat belt sign came on.

“Sir,” that voiced called to him. He looked up his smirk appearing once again.

“Someone had a change of mind no?” he teased, his Italian accent obviously unblemished as her face fell into a straight line. What is it with this girl why is she so uptight.

“The seat belt sign came on I suggest you follow orders” she said walking away immediately. Clipping on his seat belt his eyes stayed fixated on her behind as she argued quietly with the girl next to her. This had been the hardest he’d ever tried to catch a girl’s attention and now that the challenge was in front of him he gladly accepted. Before he knew it they’d touched ground in the city of love and his colleagues were getting off the jet. Scribbling his number on a piece of paper nearby he got up straightening out his suit and made his way to the exit where she and the young women she had been arguing with mere minutes ago bided their goodbyes at the exit of the jet.

“Thank you for flying with the flamingo please fly again soon.” He made his way to the exit and she stopped midsentence staring at him, he doing the same to her. He smirked reaching his hand out to take hers dropping the piece of paper in there.

“I still didn’t get your name miss” he spoke as he continued to stare at her his eyes raked up and down her body several times as he licked his lips. She looked down at her hands crumbling the paper as the young woman next to her spoke.

“Victoria,” she spoke, “her names Victoria.” He licked his lips stepping off the jet.

“See you around,” he paused, “Victoria.” Without another word he turned on his heel and started walking towards the black jeep waiting for his arrival. This was it, this was the beginning. He knew her name and she had his number.

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