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Two uploads today cause I'm sorry.



Tightly pressed between skin and dress, the urge to gulp down a glass of wine was becoming unbearable and Victoria's palms became a little sweaty all too quickly. Grabbing a drink from the next passing waiter, she took a sip trying to wrap her mind around this situation before it became out of control. She looked to Gabby, the red haired girl was already semi plastered, her hair no longer in that tightly tucked bun that she took forever attending to in the girl's suite, the black dress that she practically snatched from Victoria now looked a bit too tight on her and her makeup was smudging. How much did she drink already - it was merely half past eight.

"Gabby I have to talk to you," Victoria begun, needing to tell her best friend everything that was happening right this instant.

Gabriele groaned holding onto her head as she gripped the stool that she was sitting on. She made that face that face when she was sick; about to throw up. Seriously how much did she have to drink?

"Tori not now I'm think I'm going to be sick"

"Gabby this can't wait we need to talk." Before she could finish her sentence the dinner bell rang indicating that dinner was about to begin and everyone begun moving in the direction of the dining hall including Gabriele.

Wasn't she just sick?

Groaning Victoria followed her friend seeing her seated way in the back with some stranger. Was she on a roll tonight just bumping into strangers? Her feet carried her quickly, champagne glass clutched tightly in her hands as she weaved her way through tables finally reaching the table to the back. Narrowing her eyes onto the stranger, his black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, eyes cold beautiful but cold; blue almost like the Tenerife Sea. He had markings on his neck dark swirly lines. His shoulders were broad and his knuckles looked like they'd fought a few fights. He looked dangerous.

"Gabby I think we should get another table" Victoria spoke grabbing the attention of the two individuals who were engaged in conversation.

"No Tori let's stay" Gabriele turned to her "this is Dominic, he gave me something to get rid of my headache I'm fine now."

Without stretched hands, Dominic smiled at her, licking his dry lips he spoke

"Dominic De Rosa and you are?" She eyed his outstretched hand.

She didn't like him, she didn't like him one bit. She looked over at Gabriele - the girl was mouthing shake it and so she did.

"Victoria" was all she said then took her sit.

"What a pretty name" Dominic said a small smirk appearing on his thin lips. They weren't plump not like Mr. D's. Shaking her head from the horrendous thought she took a gulp of her champagne liquid courage.

"Well well look what we have here" with eyes bulged out Victoria swallowed her drink faster than expected? What was this gang bang?

"Arturo" Dominic exclaimed "I thought you decided to call it a night."

"Change of plans," he said taking the vacant sit next to Victoria, "you didn't think I'd let you have all the fun now did you."

"Hi I'm Gabby" Gabriele stretched out her hand, the girl full of life more than ever and her smiled stretched from ear to ear like a schoolgirl who had just been allowed to break curfew for the first time.

"Pleasure" Arturo said grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it. Gentleman? Really? Is that the card he'd like to play right now? Gabriele giggled, her cheeks turning a light rose color.

"And you are?" he turned to Victoria a smirk growing across those beautiful lips. Was he pretending to not know her now like he didn't just blackmail her just a few minutes ago? She scoffed bringing the glass towards her lips once more as she signaled for the waiter. He chuckled buttoning up his suit and straightening his tie.

"Good evening my name is Mario and I'll be your server for the evening" Gabriele was the first one to order.

"Can I have a martin dry and that steak thing" Dominic chuckled saying he'd have the same.

"Another glass of champagne please and the lasagna" Victoria said washing down the last of her drink and handing the glass to the very good looking Mario.

"And for you sir" Mario spoke looking towards Arturo. He stared at her eyes burning her soul licking his dry lips he said

"Whiskey on the rocks and like the lady lasagna"

"Will that be all?" Mario asked eyeing everyone on the table everyone nodded and Dominic and Gabby went into some time of world of their own. Great! Gabriele was going to get laid tonight in L.A where her boyfriend lived!

"You're a bit feisty" he was in her ear, hot breath fanning over her neck as all her beautiful chocolate curls were pushed to one side.

"You're a bit touchy" she said shifting her chair a bit further away from him.

"Have you considered?" he asked the question immediately irritating her soul. Who does this man think he is?

"I've considered pressing assault charges" she fired her nose flaring. This man was horrendous and she didn't like it one bit. He chuckled bringing his chair a bit closer to hers.

"I'm sure you wouldn't do that" his hand was underneath the table now pressed against her thigh in which he had just spread apart. Is he insane? Victoria turned to her friend trying to signal help but the red haired girl was full on giggle cheeks brightened and hair disheveled. Fantastic!

"Mr. D'Alesandro, you're being inappropriate" Victoria tried but his hand kept going further up her leg

"Call me Arturo" he insisted

She was sweating now, head dizzy. What is he doing? Is this part of his blackmail plan? Get her all jumpy and have his way with her?

"Sir we're" she didn't finish his hand was already all the way up brushing over her panties. What the fuck? She looked around the dining hall head spinning. Is this man crazy?

"Arturo" he was more stern as his fingers rubbed circles over her thin cotton panties. He was hoping they'd be lace. darn.

"Arturo" she breathed, it came out shaky almost as if she were enjoying the attention that his fingers were giving, "you're violating the nature of our business." He was shifting them to the side now her panties as he licked his lips slowly almost heavenly.

"Who ordered the steak?" Mario spoke.

Thank God! She sure as hell didn't want to feel that touch not from him not at any time.

"Me!" Gabby exclaimed she looked like she'd been having a serious heated "conversation"

"Victoria have you considered?" he asked again this time more civil. She scoffed taking a sip from her glass she wanted to get wasted, she needed it. She needed that buzz feeling.

"Daddy's counting on you Victoria" he whispered in her ear taunting her.

"What is your problem?" she was harsh, her voice louder than usual earning the attention from her friend and her companion. He chuckled as Dominic tried to get Gabby's attention away from her best friend as much as possible

"You're gonna have to tone it down a bit or she'll start asking questions babe."

Her father. That's all she could think about. Her father worked so hard to build this airline along with her mother. They invested so much hard work and time into all of this for some no... good piece of... urgh. She was frustrated. She loved her father and he loved her mother and he did all this.. this airline... this everything for her. When she died he vowed to keep it alive just for the two of them to be reminded of all what was put into this. Her mother; the brave heart. She would have wanted her to save this business, wouldn't she? She looked at him; the monster and she finally caved. Her eyes softened, her breathing calmed and finally she asked

"What are the Requirements?"


D'Alesandr-hoe may be good looking but he a bitch. Lmfao, trust @TequilaForever to create such a person. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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