The Best Feeling

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Hey you!
You remember that time you came to my dorm room and we had the best night of my life?

You remember when I opened the door for you because you told me earlier that chivalry was dead and then you told me "haha I guess chivalry isn't dead"?

You remember when we stood in the middle of the room awkwardly and I told you that you could sit on my bed if you'd like. You got all comfortable and took your shoes off and plopped right down on it. It may have seemed like something that wasn't a big deal but watching you so giddy gave me a warm feeling in my stomach.

You remember when I asked you if you wanted anything to eat and you said no at first. But then I was like cmon I know you want something. And you were like well what do ya have? And I was like I have these Scooby Doo fruit snacks and you squealed because you told me those were your favorite thing ever.....another moment that filled me with joy. I watched you jump up and down as you ate them and you'd smile and say something to me. Those moments man...

You remember when you told me you were cold and I told you I'd get you a blanket. But you said you'd rather have me...that moment... I cuddled up with you and we just lay there talking about what the future would be like. "He'd have your eyes" "Yeah but she'd definitely have your beauty" you'd blush as you looked at me and then you'd gaze past me and continue "my wedding dress is gonna be so beautiful" I just let you go on because the sound of you speak was the light of my world

You remember when you told me you were tired and I offered to walk you back to your room. You gave me the softest puppy eyed look I'd ever seen and said you'd rather stay with me. How could I resist saying no to that. How could anyone say no to that... We slept in the best sleep I'd ever slept in. You said it you felt good too. I think that's what love is. Who knows

I wish everything you just read was true but it wasn't. I just like to fantasize sometimes. It felt real and maybe it could happen this semester. But then again who am I kidding?

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