Beep beep beep!

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  Tobins phone alarm buzzed as she groggily awoke. It was a blur, for she couldn't remember what had happened the night before. The light was on in her hotel bathroom, so she shuffled over. She knocks. "Uh hello?" She hears slight movement through the door. "I know someone is in there. I don't know what happened but if you do can you just explain to me how-" She was interrupted by the door opening. "Oh, It's just you."

"I need to get out of here." Christen tells Tobin.

"What's wrong?" Tobin asks nervously.

"We had too much to drink and then we ended up here." Christen replied almost annoyed.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" Tobin said like it was her fault.

"Tobs, stop, okay? It was the both of us, not just you." Christen said angrily.

"We can't tell anyone about this." Tobin says looking out the window. "Hey is that..." She said squinting, "REPORTERS!??! Get down!"
They both fall to the ground looking at eachother. "Even when she's angry and looking like she just messed up, she's still gorgeous." Tobin thought to herself. She slowly tiptoed over to the blinds and shut them so they press couldn't take anymore pictures.

"We have to go to breakfast. The girls will be worried or worse, suspicious." Christen said. They both hustled to the the gigantic dining hall. They saw seats open next to Kelley and
Kling on the left side of the cafeteria. They got their food and sat down.

"Nice of you guys to show up." Kelley smirked.

"Ha Ha." Christen said sarcastically.

"I answered a call from my parents. I'm visiting them in a few weeks," Tobin replied, "I saw Christen walking around down the hallway so I joined her and here we are now."

"Interesting," Kling said, "Because I thought you two both left together last night. TOGETHER."

"I said to her I'm gonna go to bed and she said me too," Tobin lied, "And we walked to the hotel."

"Ohhhh okay." Kling replies believing it.

Tobin and Chris share quick looks and then continue to eat their food.

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