Chapter 21 - Truth Be Told

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Her heart stopped. She knew Commander Verlac was going to try and get them to admit to something incriminating, but she spoke with complete conviction. She knew it was true, and with the mortal sword, Clary could not lie. She opened her mouth to speak, but the darkness became too much, overwhelming her senses and swallowing her vision. The next thing she felt was the crash of the hard ground on her head as she plummeted to the ground, the sword clattering beside her. She could hear hollow voices yelling and murmuring like the faint sound of thunder rumbling, but through it all she could hear the panicked frenzy of the voice she loved more than anything- Jace calling out her name. But then the darkness overcame the rest of her senses as she slipped into unconsciousness.

She was sitting in a grassy field in a white dress, flowing gently in the breeze. Her hair was free in its curls, flowers braided into it, wildly whipping around her face.

"Clary! Hey!" She looked behind her to see a familiar figure running towards her, his golden curls floating in the wind as well. His tanned skin was marked with runes still, but he was not in gear, but rather a white shirt half-buttoned and tan pants rolled up to his knees. He looked beautiful under the golden sun and she ached to touch him.

"Hey Jace, nice of you to join us!" Another familiar voice called from where she was not looking and she knew who it was before she even turned. The voice that had haunted her dreams, the voice that had betrayed her more times than she cared to think about. Her brother's. She turned with a start and scurried back to see Sebastian, or Johnathon rather, sitting next to her. He wasn't there before, she was sure of it, it was as if he materialized in between one glance and the next. But the usual malice in his dark eyes was not there, only brilliant green ones full of joy staring back at her.

"Oh it's not like I'm late or anything." Jace was now standing above them and he reached down to help Clary up, she took his hand and was pulled up fast as he threw her over his shoulder. A laugh rose up out of her chest and she could feel her face flush with excitement and her heart swell with love for the boy with the golden eyes.

"Hey now, be careful with my sister." Johnathon laughed as he stood up and made his way over to the edge of the hill, yellow flowers adorning the crest of it, "Now, come on! Otherwise we will be late." His smile lit up his entire face, but it was not cynical or full of hate, only eagerness. She laughed as Jace walked over to him and swung her around, sliding her down to let her bare feet land softly on the plush grass. Her eyes looked up at him fondly, his imperfect smile with his chipped incisor filling her body with more love and affection than she ever thought possible, he pressed his lips to her sweetly as he turned her around to face what him and Johnathon were showing her.

"Come on Clary, we have to finish what we started." Jace's voice was full of happiness, but what she saw down the hill took her breath away- the city of Alicante burning with the bodies of her friends and loved ones lying lifeless on the ground before them.

She shot up in a spare bed of what looked like an infirmary, sweat rolling down the back of her neck as her heart raced from her dream. She had no idea how long she had been there or where she was exactly. There were rows of empty beds along the walls of the small white room, but they were all empty spare the one she was in. And there at the side of her bed, was Jace- his head lying on his arm by her stomach. Her heart slowed at seeing him, his golden hair falling in front of his face, his breathing slow and even as he slept. The windows showed that they were still in Idris, and that it was nighttime. Jace looked absolutely exhausted, she didn't want to wake him, but curiosity got the best of her as she rustled him awake.

"Jace? Hey, Jace." She whispered as she gently shook his shoulders, he sat up drowsily and regarded her with a weary smile.

"You're awake," He stated fondly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. I need some water though." He handed her a glass of water from the nightstand and she took it gratefully, downing it in a few gulps. Despite the fact that it was tepid, it cooled her throat and stomach, "Thanks. Come here." She smiled and patted the bed next to her. With a smile, he stood from his chair and moved to sit beside her in the bed, his back against the flimsy headboard. She settled herself against his shoulder contently and sat in silence, letting his slow and steady breathing calm her, "So, what happened? After I passed out?"

"Well Commander Verlac took it well and waived the entire trial." He stated matter-of-factly, Clary craned around to look at him dubiously.

"What, really?!" She exclaimed in surprise, but he laughed humorlessly.

"No, unfortunately not," He took a deep breath and continued, "I could see you fading and panicked as soon as you went down, you hit your head hard and the mortal sword nearly cut you- you're lucky you still had the red gear on," She had not noticed until now, that she was no longer in the scarlet leather gear she wore to the summoning of Lilith and the creation of the Endarkened, but was in a pair of olive green shorts and a white tank top, "I panicked and ran to grab you, all those in the Council Room stood up in fury, though I'm not sure if it was because you did not answer the question or because Èlodie was so harsh to a young Shadowhunter. Jia was furious, as was Robert, and she suspended her from the trial until further notice. The Commander was so angry she started shouting and claiming that you needed to answer her, but Jia ascertained that her question was unprofessional and not in the realm of propriety and so she dismissed everyone until further notice. It was chaos, Clary, Alec and Jocelyn ran up to help me with you, we brought you here. Izzy brought you some clothes from the Lightwood house."

"Where is here, exactly?" She looked around, her surroundings unfamiliar.

"Still technically in the Hall of Accords, they have a small infirmary and I was afraid to move you too far, you hit your head pretty hard." He was stroking her hair gently and planted a kiss on the top of it.

"So what are they going to do about the trial? Are- Did they decide on a sentence?" She tried to sound nonchalant, but her voice betrayed her and conveyed a tone of hopefulness.

His eyes softened, as if hearing it in her voice, "No. We are not innocent or guilty yet. They agreed to take some time to decide, gather more information, maybe even another trial if necessary. Although, I hope it won't be." It was strange, hearing Jace remain serious for so long, he was making no effort to joke. It made her feel even more bleak about the situation.

"So what do we do until then?"

"We must remain in Idris, although it does not matter where. I figured we could stay at the Lightwoods house. Although I'm sure the Commander will love to spy on us there." He seemed very far away in thought, and she could not tell if he was distracted or simply tired.

Suddenly, an idea formed in her mind, "Do we have to stay in Alicante or just Idris?" She sat up in front of him now, her eyes glinting mischievously. His focus snapped back as he intently observed her demeanor.

"The Consul simply said Idris, I don't know if it matters. Why? I hardly think now would be the best time to try camping in the Brocelind Forest." His humor was returning to him, making her heart ease in her chest.

"What about the Herondale manor? You said no one was living in it, correct?" Clary's eyes were bright with hopefulness. Not only would it be a place away from the prying eyes of Èlodie, but it would give her time to be with Jace.

He cocked his head to the side, as if testing the idea in his head, "No, no one is in it. However, I did just barely get away with my life a few times this week. I'm quite the warrior, but even I wouldn't stand a chance against the wrath of Jocelyn Fairchild if I were to stay in a big house alone with you." He was smiling widely now, as if the idea both amused and excited him.

"Well have no fear, oh brave one," She was sitting on his lap facing him now, her lips so close to his that when she spoke they brushed together, "I've told you before, I will protect you."

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