Chapter 4: Pain and Love

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(Your POV)

Day 3 of the Smosh Summer Camp Games and we're playing Jousting and Slip N Slide kick ball. We were in a fenced in area so I let Thor run around. He loved chasing the ball when ever someone doesn't catch the ball. We all made sure he didn't get hurt and he loved to run next to everybody.

I went up against Olivia and She ended up wining. She did win fair and square. Thor did give me tons of kisses.

While chasing Keith at the end, I don't know how, but I managed to twist my left ankle. Thor, of course, ran up to me, licking my face. I felt an intense pain around my ankle. I have a high pain tolerance, but even this made me tear up a bit. Thor whinned, which caught Wes' and Mari's attention. "Oh my god, are you alright?" Mari asked. "What happened?" Wes asked. "Not really. I don't know. My ankle went out on me." I explained.
"Can you get up on your own?" Wes asked, concerned. "No. I can't even move it." I said, a little embarrassed. Wes helped me up and said to use him as a crutch till we find out what's wrong. By this time everyone had noticed I was on the ground in pain. They all asked what happened and I told them what I told Wes and Mari. "Do you think it's broken?" Mari asked, leading Thor on his leash. "No it's probably just sprained. I took First aid CPR in college and the textbook said that sprains can hurt as much as broken bones, but there's no way to tell without an X-Ray." I said. "The nearest hospital is about 15 miles away." Courtney said. "Someone could drive you." Joven suggested. "I will if that's our only option." Wes said. "Calling an ambulance would take too long to get here. I think Wes taking her is a good idea." Sonny said.

We all agreed to Wes taking me to the hospital for X-Rays. Olivia grabbed my wallet with my Insurance card in it, while one of the employees of the camp let us barrow one of their vehicles. It took about 35 to 50 minutes to get to hospital. Wes gently carried me to the emergency room. It only took about 10 minutes of waiting, which felt like hours to me, for one of the doctors to see me. They wouldn't let Wes in unless we was a family member so he lied and said he was my brother. They totally bought it. After getting all my information and my insurance card, which took another 15 minutes, they finally ordered the X-rays. it was about 30 minutes before they could actually get me in to do the flipping x-Ray. The X-rays took about a minute, Putting my ankle in positions that hurt like hell. The doctor said my ankle was only sprained and will get better in two weeks as long as I follow the discharge instructions. They gave me an Ace bandage and a walking CAM boot. Wes helped me get used to walking on a curved sole before walking back out to the car.

"Thank you for taking me Wes. I really appreciate it." I said, walking to the car. "No problem. I'm just glad that you're ok." Wes said, opening my door for me. I waited for him to get in before we continue talking. "Hey Wes, what were you going to tell me last night on the way back from the water park?" I asked. Wes paused for a minute.."I was going to say that I think we'd be better as a couple." Wes said. Wait! I'm the girl! I heart skipped a beat. He feels the same way I do for him. "You do? Wait IM THE GIRL!" I asked, excitedly. Wes chuckled. "Yes you are. Your beautiful, funny, your great at video games, intelligent, and I can trust you. More then anyone else." Wes said, smiling. I blushed.
"Wes. Your amazing. I've been having the same thoughts about you." I said. "So, what do you say about us being together?" He asked. I looked at his brown eyes. I put my hand on his, leaded towards him and kissed him. He kissed back. I felt him gently pull me in closer, deepening the kiss. He licked my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I let him in as his tongue explored my mouth. After a few seconds we broke the kiss for air. "I'll take it as a yes then." He said. I chuckled. "Yes Wes. That's a yes. Like I said before, 'she'd' be stupid to say no to you." I said. Wes chuckled and started the car, headed back to camp. About 5 minutes minutes into the drive. Wes reaches over and takes my hand. "So. Should we be open about our new relationship or keep it hidden and have the others guess?" Wes asked. "I think it will be fun for the others to guess. They will never see it coming." I replied, sarcastically. Wes laughed and we talked the rest of the way on our plan to misguide the others. When we got back to camp it was dinner time so everyone was in the mess hall. Wes handed the keys back to the camp employees and helped me out of the car. I held Wes' hand till we were at the mess hall door. He opened it for me just as Lasercorn was about to come out.

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