chapter two

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"Mate, do we have to?" Michael groaned, definitely not wanting to leave the bed he was currently sitting on. "Yes, we have to!" Ashton said as he walked around the tour bus with no shirt on. "We have a day break tomorrow, so what better way to spend a hangover than on a tour bus, right?" the boy continued his reasons on why to go out. "Ashton, the last hangover we had we all minus Calum ended up being sick. Michael threw up on me, and you threw up on my bed. It was the worst mate." Luke said, giggling at the memory from two weeks ago.

"I don't really give two shíts about the hangover. I just cannot be arsed to go out." Michael mumbled, hiding his face in his hands, thinking any hangover is better than the situation he is in. The three boys eyed Michael suspiciously, as a year ago he would never pass up the opportunity to go out, even if he was being sick his thought was 'let's be sick some more from alcohol'. Michael lifted his head up, feeling three pairs of eyes on him. "What?" he questioned, earning no response. "Alright, fine, God. Let's just go." he said, at a slight yelling tone.

The boys cheered (minus Michael, of course) and rushed out of the bus. It was a quick three minutes walk, and Michael was informed that many celebrities will be at the party. Although the others seemed to be excited, Michael couldn't even bring himself to force a smile onto his pale lips.

As soon as they walked in the alcohol went straight up their noses, Calum and Luke scurrying off to the bar as soon as they entered. Luke had already started chatting up a girl, and Calum seemed to have downed a bottle of beer already. Michael shook his head, wondering how they could find the enjoyment at a time like this. "Oi, Mikey, you gonna be alright?" Ashton yelled over the music, receiving a nod of the head in return from the boy he was talking to. Ashton nodded his head and walked towards Luke and Calum, leaving Michael to himself.

Michael went a got a drink from the far side of the bar, making sure to ignore the lads. Taking a swig, he walked towards the exit. He needed fresh air, it's too crowded and everyone is pushing, and he's been in there for far too long. As he gulped all of the cool liquid down his throat, he found the back door exit and pushed through it. With a girl throwing up in the background, Michael tried to block all sounds and thoughts out. He cannot deal with any sort of thing that is puke, or related to it (such as gagging). The girl wiped her mouth and went back inside. Michael furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched his nose up, wondering where the joy is in any of that.

After what seemed to be forever and a day (when in reality was only forty-five minutes), the other three band mates walked out of the door, arms around each other and giggling a bit too much. They had been at the club for two hours, and Ashton wanted to go back to get some sleep.

"You guys are so gross." Michael stated with a straight face, as Calum skipped up to him and burped while breathing in his face. Michael shoved Calum out of his way, with eyes that seemed to stare into his soul. Calum regained his balance, and stared straight ahead, fists curled up. "Want to try me again, Gordon?" the boy who had the most tattoos firmly said, knowing Michael wouldn't punch anyone, even if getting a fist to the face. "Just move, and stop being so disgusting." the pale boy said, as he carried on walking with his large hands stuffed in his tight skinny jean pockets.

"Don't think we're letting you get away with this." Luke said, voice barely above a whisper. "What?" Michael questioned, whipping round which caused him to get head rush. Cursing under his breath, his attention returned to quiff boy whose ego seemed to be getting the best of him lately. "Do you think your shítty attitude recently is going unnoticed?" Luke replied as he walked towards Michael. "Your attitude sucks," he rambled, slurring a bit. "you don't have dirty humour like you did one year ago, dude you're even letting your hair colour fade. What's wrong with you?" he continued, as a small "I agree." slipped out of Calum's mouth.

Michael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. "I wouldn't expect you to understand ma-" "Well then fúcking tell us!" Luke and Calum said simultaneously, interrupting their best friend while Ashton stood there awkwardly. "I just.. I wish fame never happened to this god damn band." Michael groaned, storming off towards the tour bus. "What? Dude, get back here." Ashton finally spoke up, running after him and placed a hand on his best friends shoulder. "Get off me." Michael growled, shaking his shoulder. Ashton slowly raised his hand off of his shoulder slowly, as if he was being arrested. "Alright, that I can do. However, I'm still confused on why you would say you wish we never became famous. This is the life!" Ashton exclaimed as he caught up with the boy who was a few metres in front of him. "Not for me Ash. I wish fame never happened. I wish this band never happened. I wish none of this happened, and we were back in school." Michael finished his rant as they arrived at the tour bus. He got inside and attempted to close his curtains angrily on his bunk bed.

With a few restless turns, Michael Gordon Clifford from a big band called 5 Seconds of Summer had eventually fallen asleep, with a scowl placed on his face.

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