Chapter 4

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Here's another chapter for you! And please don't forget to hit that little vote button! Thanks! And please comment any mistakes!

-Chapter 4-

"Marley, can you make a start on breakfast, please?" I ask my eyes still closed. When no reply was given I opened my eyes. The room I was in was dark and it had a musky smell, as if it hadn't had fresh air in weeks. There was no light making it extremely hard to see my surroundings. I for my face scrunch up in confusion. Where was I? A seam of memories came rushing into my mind, causing me to let out a pound ear-piercing scream. "Marley?! Isabella?! Carmen?! Will?!" I screech, hoping for a reply. I climb out of bed frantically, causing me to fall off the side with a thud. I tried to stand but my legs felt like jelly and every time I attempted to stand I would end up hugging the floor once again. It kind of made me think of how long I had actually been inside of this room. "Greyson?!" I yelled from the floor, not caring who came given the circumstances. I try to stand again however this time I succeed. I was really worried about my friends , were they like me and stuck in a dark room? Not knowing what these people could have done to me in the time I've been here. I was cold, scared and I wanted to go home. "Someone?!" As the last vow leaves my mouth two large men with white ski masks, busted through the door. The light from out side, possibly a hallway, battling with the cold darkness. The two stepped forward as I took one back. They glanced at each other than lunged straight for me. Fortunately for me I have good reflexes, so I moved and they landed at the foot of the queen bed I had awoken on. I scurried over the bed and into the hall, that they had just entered from. I slammed the doors but, locking the door with the key that was left in the door. The hall I was in was well kept with pure whit walls, white doors framed with gold that lined the walls. Much like the one I had just exited from. Cry's of help coming out of each of the gold framed doors. I crept sooty down the hall listening for a familiar voice that I did not once hear. I couldn't distinguish Carmen, Isabella, Marley or even Will's cry for help. At the end of the hall, a grand white marble staircase lay leading to a double white and good framed door. It looked like the front door! I smiled brightly and ran down the stairs, with difficulty, and before I could even lay a finger on the door, the thoughts of my friends being hurt enters my mind. I was not leaving my friends here. Especially if they were dressed like me. What the actual hell? I was in a very tight black leather booty shorts, that couldn't even cover half of my butt. My shirt was even worse. It was bright bubblegum pink midriff or what was supposed to be as it only just reached under my boobs. I had no shoes, making it so I could feel the cold marble floor. I felt exposed, I never wore these types of clothes, given that I'm very self conscious. I checked down what was supposed to be a shirt to see if I was still wearing the same bra. Then checking my panties and thank he lord I was. At least they, whoever they are, have some decency. A shriek left my lips as a firm hand was placed on my shoulder. I was turned to see a face I was dreading to see. Greyson's. "You're not going anywhere angel." His Irish accent rang. Wait, I thought he was American? "You have to come with me" Greyson's said, looking me in the eye. He did not give me a chance to say anything as he began dragging me towards another double door beside the grand staircase. I was kicking and screaming attempting to break free. Once I had slipped out of Greyson's grip I bolted to the left of the front door to what seems to be a lounge room or sitting area. Due to Greyson having longer legs then me, he caught up quickly. That was before something hard smashed into my cheek, causing me to fall to the floor cupping my face. No doubt there was a big red hand print on my porcelain skin. "Ace!- " I thought Greyson was here to defend me from this man supposedly called Ace. "Blaine said she has to be in top condition." I was wrong. "I was pulled up roughly by the bulk guy named Ace and was dragged by my arms to the door in which Greyson had originally tried to get me to go through. "She needs to learn" was all Ace said as he knocked. As we waited for what I would assume as permission to enter Greyson said to me harshly, " I told you to come with me." I laugh and Greyson's cold eyes look at me. "Yeah well I thought you were American." The door opened and I was continually dragged inside. I was lifted not so carefully and placed on an old wooden chair. My hands were bound behind my back, the rope giving me burns as it dug slowly into my skin. My blue ocean eyes scanning he room I was in, mean scattered the room staring lustfully after me. A fat balding man sat before me, a crept sickly smirk dawning on his face. "Hello" he said, I ignored him and continued to look around the room. Once my eyes had met the one of the person I was looking for, I spoke. "Greyson" it was almost begging. He averted his eyes to the floor. Was he feeling bad? No, because if he did I wouldn't be here. I looked away from Greyson. I hated him with a passion and believe me when I say, I have never hated anybody this much. See I hate Felix, but the amount of loathing I have for Greyson right now make my feelings for Felix look insignificant. "Hello" the balding man tries again, sickly smile still clear as day. I don't reply to the fat man. If he's the reason I'm here without my friends, then I have absolutely nothing to say to him. My head was forced to the left and I cried out in shock and pain. The stinging sensation rippled throughout my cheek. " Ace enough." The fat man ordered. The broad shouldered man backed up, hands behind his back. " I'm sorry for him. I am Blaise the boss here, but you can call me bid daddy." Blaise winked and I mentally gaged. When I didn't reply, I flinched expecting to be hit. I wasn't though. Blaise continued anyways. "You almost got away but luckily one of my best men caught you. Thank you Greyson." I felt sick and I wanted to enter my stomach substances everywhere. When I didn't reply, yet again, Blaise's tone changed. "Understand this girl. You are now my property. You belong to me and you will do as you are told. You have already learned one of the many consequences." My jaw felt as if it had dropped to the floor, I closed it quickly. I wanted to yell that I'm not an object, that I'm not something you can own. I'm too shy though, too scared. I'm a wimp and I know it. Tears well up in my eyes and I try my hardest to keep them at bay, but to my displeasure they fall. "We'll put you to good use." They have no idea who they at dealing with. My father and mother are very powerful and I'm sure they will notice I'm gone. "I know what you're thinking. That mummy and daddy will save the day. I'm sorry to say but you're on a holiday or so your parents think. You'll be here for a while." My head droops low knowing all he is saying is true . Mom and dad won't even notice I'm gone for a couple weeks. "Get Mars in here." Mars? Who's that and why are they needed right now. With my head down and eyes closed I head a door open and to what sounded like heels. " Hello boo" a very familiar voice said. My eyes sprung open a searched for the source of that voice and once my eyes connected with hers my world came crashing down. Her long tight cherry red sparkly greed fit well in every curve, a slit cut that ran all the way to her middle thigh giving her a sexy look. Hair curled and pinned, smokey eye shadow, eyeliner and red lipstick. One thin that caught my attention was the gold bracelet I have brought her for the fourteenth birthday that read, 'Marley' in cursive writing. Marley walked slowly over to Blaise ending some of the men in the room a wink. "M-marley?" I stuttered. I was completely confused and shocked. I started thrashing and trying to get out of the damn ropes. I felt them become loose and I mentally smirked. I wouldn't do anything now though, just wait for the right moment. Marley's gaze lasted longer over my right shoulder. I turned slightly to meet a smirking Greyson. His gaze was on Marley though it was on my hands. Crap, he knew. I turned around to see Marley's gaze now on me. "Y-you did this? D-did you do this to just me? Or all of us girls and Will?" Marley chuckled at my stutter. " Not only you, the girls too. Lucky for that brat Will, he got away." Will got away? Does that mean that be would go back to New York? Would be get the French police? Would he forget about us? Was he part of this? I did not know. "Why?" I mumble loud enough for her to hear. This seemed to spark something inside of Marley, from her eyes it looked like pure hatred. Yet she did not say anything, " why did you do this to us? What did we ever do to you?!" My voice raising. No one in the room attempted to stop me or tie me back up once I rose from the chair. My confidence had boosted and Marley still sat there, on Blaise's lap trying to calm herself down. I know all her facial expressions and that she balls up her fists. "TELL ME!!" I scream. "YOU WERE EVERYTHING! Everyone loved you more! I was nothing but a slut in boys eyes! I was toy! To be used and chucked away!" She was jealous because people liked me? Nobody really likes me, so why do all this over jealousy. There has to be something else. "Remember my last boyfriend Aron?!" Of coarse I do, how could I not? They dated for a year and Marley was convinced he was the one. Then he randomly broke it off with no reason and I was there to pick up the pieces. "He used me to get to you! After he figured he couldn't get you, he dumped me. They all used me for you! You were the innocent one that every guy dreamed of! Poor little in over virgin! But that will soon change." Marley smirked evilly. Change? What will change? Oh well, so Marley was jealous of me? I dot see much to be jealous of. She's perfect in every way. After ten years of friendship and I finally get to see the real Marley. "Figured it out yet angel?" Blaise's voice rang through my ears and the fact that he used the word 'angel' made me cringe. Marley had stood and exited with no other word. I shook my head no, not being able to find my voice. "You'll being staying here and a few changes will be made. Tie her back to the chair" I was pushed back into the chair and not once did I resist. "M-my friends?" I ask finally finding my voice. My hands were tied tighter now, them not risking anything now. "Ah yes" Blaise sighed and pressed a blue button on his polished brown wooden desk. The door was opened and two beat and bloodied girls were pushed in. "Now you see them" Blaise smirked. "Isabella! Carmen!" This seemed to have awoken them from their dream-like state. "C-clover? What are we doing here?" Carmen says stumbling over her words, probably from the intense beating. "You need to get out of here-" my sentence was cut short when yet again I was hit. "Take them to the cells, they have already been brought." Brought? What the hell? I did not want them to leave my sight. This was technically all my fault. "NO!" Screamed at the top of my lungs. I thrash and repeat my screams of defiance as they scream my name for help. Again the ties of the rope become undone allowing me to move. The person who does these sucks at it. I run for the door way they had exited when I was grabbed by two men. I was quick to put my elbows in their stomach, earning groans and began reaching for the door when I was grabbed by the waist and held up off the floor. "NO! ISABELLA! CARMEN!" I cried one last time as and unknown dragged me up the stairs. I heard Blaise tell Ace to grab Jake and 'teach me a lesson'. Whatever that meant. I was back in the room I had awoken in and was placed roughly on the bed. The emerald green eyes of Greyson stood their along with two other men who looked exactly alike. Twins, both having dirty blonde hair, styled into quiffs and electric blue eyes. The nest person who entered made my blood run cold. It was jake and he didn't look happy at all. Before I could even back away a blow was given to my gut sending my straight to the floor. "North, South grab her and see to it that she does not move." The twins stepped forward, a sorry look in their eyes as the grabbed my under the arms and pulled my up to my feet. Greyson did nothing but stand in the corner. I received blow after blow all over my body. My face, ribs, stomach, legs, arms and finally my back. With every blow I would look in Jakes eyes and see nothing even close to sympathy. When I got a blow to the face and blood trickled out of my mouth the twins dropped me. Leaving me on the floor, not caring of how I landed and what I hit. "You coming Greyson?" One of the twins asked. The okay difference between the twins was one had a star tattoo on his neck. "Not yet North, I have to do something with Silver." He replied sending shivers up my back. Silver? Who's that? The door closed and yet there was sill light. "Come to Finnish the job?" I laugh mechanically, staying in my spot. Greyson made his way over and put his arms under my body, lifting me up bridal style. I was placed softly on the bed and Greyson had disappeared into the bathroom that I had only just noticed . He returned with a damp face cloth and as he came closer I moved back a little. My ribs screamed in pain and I ended up laying down again. Greyson lent over the bed and began softly wiping the blood of my face. "Why are you doing this?" I asked looking at his face. However he ignored my question and continued on. "Have you died your hair?" He asks simply and I just nod. "We're going to take that colour out. Tell me what's your natural hair colour?" "Blonde" I reply. "We'll in case you were curious as to why I am changing your hair colour, is because Blaise has taking a liking to you . Only because you remind him of his wife but she had blonde hair." With that I was lifted again and taken into the bathroom where Greyson would wash my hair out and make it go back to its natural colour. I had no choice in my weak state but to do as I'm told.

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