Chapter 24

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The next morning I woke up with a loud groan as I fell out of bed.

"Ugh, I hate mornings." I grumbled as I sat up, tangled in my duvet on the floor. I then looked up at my clock only to find that it was no longer morning but two in the afternoon.

I groaned again and flopped backwards onto the floor again but with a little too much force, causing a loud bang as my head slammed into the floor.

"OOOWW!" I yelled as I lay on the floor clutching my head.

"Pandora?? Are you okay? What happened- Oh..." Andy laughed as he walked into my room and saw me tangled in my duvet, lying on the floor.

"Shut up! Don't laugh! I'm in pain!" I complained.

"Right, sorry! Well maybe you won't sleep until 2pm next time, eh?" Andy grinned as he walked towards me and started untangling me from my duvet.

"The time I sleep until has nothing to do with the fact that I slammed my head into the floor." I grumbled.

"You sure? I mean it could be a sign that sleeping until 2pm is unnatural!" Andy pointed out with a grin.

"No way, shut up and help me get up." I groaned as Andy finished untangling me and helped me sit on my bed.

"Ugh, my head hurts." I complained.

"Don't slam your head into the floor next time!" Andy laughed.

"You know I didn't do it on purpose so shut up." I groaned.

"Alright alright, sorry!" Andy grinned.

"You should be." I grumbled, rubbing the back of my head.

"Umm.. Also.. I want to say sorry about last night.. I shouldn't have gotten angry and I should have told you who I was going to see, I promise, Juliet and I really are only friends." Andy sighed.

"Ugh, I'd say sorry but I just woke up and I'm feeling stubborn so I'm not sorry." I grinned.

"That's great because I like my stubborn Panda." Andy grinned back.

"Of course you do! Doesn't everyone?" I laughed.

"Hmm, I don't know, Ashley doesn't seem to appreciate the tricks you play on him.." Andy replied with a grin.

"Oh thanks for reminding me! I need to plan my next trick!" I grinned.

"Ooh, do I get to help?" Andy asked.

"Hmm.. I guess so.. Considering my usual sidekick has sucked up to Ashley far too much to be of any use..." I sighed.

"Maybe.. We could plan a double attack? Considering Elmo betrayed you for Ashley... Maybe they both need to be plotted against?.." Andy grinned evilly.

"Hmm... Yes.. I think you will make a brilliant sidekick considering your ideas are already sounding excellent..." I smirked.

"Of course I will! I'm full of excellent ideas!" Andy laughed.

"So this makes me Batman, you can be Robin! And if I catch you plotting against me to become Batman, you will be permanently banished from the Batcave." I decided as I turned to Andy with a grin who looked at me in horror.

"Panda! No! No Panda! Please! How about you be the all powerful Panda and then I can be your sidekick, Batman! I promise not to plot against you! Please??" Andy begged.

"Hmm.. I guess.. Yes, I guess I could allow this... Alright Batman! Let's start planning!" I smirked.

"Yay Panda! Thank you Panda! I love you Panda!" Andy grinned as he hugged me.

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