Chapter 1

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I limped home. Apparently I had been asking for it, well that's what Dean said before beating the shit out of me. It was becoming an every day thing. I go to school, I get called worthless, I get beaten up, I go home where my existence is not acknowledged.

My lip was split, I could taste the blood in my mouth. I was thankful that I wore trousers and my grey jumper because if I wasn't, you'd see the bruises that covered my arms, stomach and legs. You'd also see the cuts that covered my wrists, those were mainly my fault. I couldn't help it, I just needed a way to deal with all the shit in my life. I was actually beginning to regret wearing my black skinny jeans because they were pressing on my bruises which hurt like hell.

I hugged myself, the cold breeze sending shivers down my back which caused my bruises to hurt more. It was six o'clock and school had finished at four. No one would notice that I was late again anyway. No one would care that I had just had the shit beaten out of me for an hour and then lay on the floor for another hour where Dean and his mates had left me broken and crying, again. Okay, so maybe my little sister Evie would care but I couldn't tell her how bad things were getting in case I upset or scared her. My parents would carry on pretending I didn't exist though.

I limped up to my house only to find the door was locked. I knocked loudly but no one came to let me in.

"Hello?! It's Pandora, I'd quite like to get into this fucking box!" I yelled as I banged my fist on the door. I hated my name and I used to hate the jokes about Pandora's box when I was younger.

I heard little footsteps running towards the door and then Evie's face was pressed against the glass as she inflated her cheeks.

"Are you going to let me in, puffy cheeks?" I grinned.

"Maybe!" Evie yelled back as the lock clicked and the door swung open to reveal my little sister. Her blond ringlets hung over her shoulders and her big blue eyes stared up at me.

"What happened to your lip?" She asked with a worried look in her eyes.

"Oh, um, nothing, I just bit it earlier..." I lied. Evie didn't look convinced but she decided to drop the subject.

"I saved you some food, it's in your room!" Evie smiled as she hugged me and skipped away.

"Thank you!" I called after her as I went upstairs to my room.

My room was small. It only had room for my bed and a chest of drawers. There were posters all over my walls, they were mainly Black Veil Brides but I also had some Fearless Vampire Killers, Ashestoangels and Her Dark Embrace posters.

My bed had simple red covers and my chest of drawers had stacks of CD's on top. The CD's were mainly the same bands from my posters.

There was a plate of food on my bed which I ate immediately before face planting my bed, I groaned when I felt my bruises become more painful.

I was about to fall asleep when my door burst open.


"I what?!" I replied as I sat up and shuffled into the furthest corner of my bed. My dad only acknowledged my existence when Evie cried.


"HOW IS THAT MY FAULT?!" I yelled.

"DON'T YOU DARE YELL AT ME!" He shouted as he slapped me. My face began to sting immediately.

"FUCK OFF!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

My dad left but I heard him lock my bedroom door. Shit. He wouldn't remember to unlock that for a while, how would I eat?!

I began to cry even harder.

"Worthless. Ugly. Fat. Unwanted." I repeated to myself as I rocked back and forth. I then slowly stood up and retrieved my razor from beneath my bed.

I rolled up my sleeve and stared down at my bruises, they were all dark colours of purple and blue. I then slowly pulled the blade across my wrist, watching as blood dripped onto the carpet, not caring whether it stained. I watched as more blood dripped onto the carpet and then I made my decision.

"Life just isn't worth living anymore" I whispered as I put the razor on my bed.

I pulled off my jumper to reveil the bruises that covered my arms and disappeared beneath my Black Veil Brides t-shirt which had a picture of Andy's face on.

"You can only save me so many times..." I whispered, referring to the times when I'd wanted to kill myself but hadn't because of the Black Veil Brides song, Saviour.

I then picked up my razor and put in my pocket.

"I could jump off the bridge and then all this pain would end. It's only a five minute walk" I smiled to my self. All this pain will end echoed through my mind. And that was it. My mind was made up. I'm going to end this, I thought to myself as I climbed out my window.

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