Unexpeted Encounters

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You felt your mouth dry up as you stared at the perpetrator in shock, shivers creeping up your spine. Your heart thumped faster in your chest, sounding like bongos in your ears. It wouldn't surprise you if your heartbeat was echoing throughout the dark room at that very moment. Mouth slowly hanging agape, you shrunk back in your seat as your eyes locked on the dark figure before you. Your eyes scanned them, eyeing them up and down. A black, skull like mask with angular pipes covered the bottom portion of their face, a collar like support system attached to their neck, and while you hated to admit it- he had on a pretty snazzy suit. You realized there was no doubt about it. It made absolutely no sense to you but no matter how or why, the holder of All For One was in front of you. You would probably think, 'woah that's so cool though!' No, it's not. Not in the slightest.

You trembled, staring straight at the villain standing before you as you tried to process the situation. You were seemingly in a fictional world, captured by the series' biggest threat to the hero community. Why the heck were you here?! This made absolutely no sense. It was definitely not a dream... It seemed too real. But still, this wasn't possible! Real, yet not possible... There you were contradicting yourself. You started mumbling under your breath, incomprehensible words sputtering from your mouth.

When you finally gathered your thoughts together you looked up only to find the man had vanished. The next think you knew, your eyes were suddenly drooping shut despite not feeling tired whatsoever. Mumbling was heard and you felt the slightly cold fingertips on your scalp. Were you being forced to sleep? It didn't take a genius to put two and two together, you know. Within a second you started to freak out, fear flooding your senses. What was he going to do with your unconscious body? Would he chop you into pieces? Crush you with sheer force? Oh no no no no no, you refused to die. Not today satan! You jerked your head forward, trying to get his fingers away from you. Perhaps the physical contact was the key to making you feel so tired. That inference was confirmed as you jolted awake for a few seconds. You wiggled as much as you could in the little time you had.l, scraping your ankles and wrists from the cuffs in the process. A few noises escaped your mouth from the pain that shot through you as you noticed some blood dripping. I guess it cut deeper than you originally thought it would. Oh gosh, that's not good...

His hands found his way back to your face easily, and since you were still restrained there was nowhere you could go. Your useless struggle seemed to slow down, the time between each jerk becoming slower and slower. As you blinked your eyes to keep them awake, tears pricked at the corners of your lids.

"Stop it..." It meant to come out as a threat but your shaky voice quickly gave you away, sounding out as a plea which echoed throughout the dark room.



This doesn't seem goo-

Things became dark as you blacked out, head falling to the side with a slight bang.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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