Chapter Five

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Here's a picture of Dawn's avatar

"My goodness! It's almost 5:30! We should probably log off and eat something!" Ikara cried, looking at the time on her menu.

"Yeah, Dawn. We should probably get going too." I said, looking at Dawn.

"Well, bye!" Riku said to us. "See you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" we said and watched as the family scrolled through the menu to the logout button.


I turned around. "What?" I asked.

"The logout button... it's not there." Jijika answered.

"What are you talking about? Isn't it at the bottom of the menu?" I asked.

Dawn looked at me and shook her head. "It's not there, Kila. Why isn't it there?"

"No, you guys. It has to be there. I mean..." I trailed off, looking at their confused and worried faces.

"Check for yourself," Ikara whispered, holding onto her children tightly.

I swiped my hand down and pressed the settings button. Down there, the third option should be-not there.

"Not there, huh?" Riku asked me, already knowing the answer.

I nodded. It was probably just a bug that could be fixed in a matter of minutes. A bug. That's right.

"Mommy? Grandma? What's going on?" Seno asked, his voice quivering. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew that something was wrong.

"Nothing, baby. It's fine." Ikara answered her son quickly, too quickly.

I could feel the tension settling over our heads. Even thought it was obviously just a bug, there were something ominous. Something felt wrong. Eerily wrong.

I calmed my nerves and soothed everyone, or at least tried. "I'm sure it's just a bug. They'll fix it right away. I'm sure all the server people are freaking out, ha."

Riku nodded. "I hope you're right, for all our sakes."

"Dad? What's happening?" Tomo asked.

Sabika's face scrunched up and she yelled at her little brother, "We can't get out of this game! We're stuck here, okay?"

Everyone stared at her in stunned silence. Tears began to spill over her cheeks. Jijika tried to comfort her.

"Daddy? W-we're stuck here?" Seno's lip began to quiver. "We can't get out?"

"No, no, Seno. We're not stuck. We, just, well..." Riku tried to comfort his son, but trailed off uncomfortably.

Seno began to wail and his little fists balled up. Ikara picked him up and tried to settle him.

"I'm sure it's fine. I'm calling the GameMaster right now to see what's up." Jijika said.

We all turned to face her, waiting for news. A silent minute passed, sometimes interrupted by wet sniffles from Seno. Three minutes passed.

"He's not picking up," Jijika said to us, and her usually confident voice was quieter.

"So we have to wait?" I asked, incredulous.

"Wait for what?" Dawn said, looking over in my direction.

"Wait for them to fix the damn bug!" I cried in frustration.

"Yeah, I g-guess." Riku murmured.

"Oh my god. I can't believe this is actually happening. We're trapped inside a video game. There's no way." I chuckled, starting to panic.

Dawn knew when I started to panic and she rested a hand on my shoulder. We understood most things about each other.

The great bell in the plaza in the Town of Beginnings rang loudly. We all looked up nervously.

One. Two. Three four. Five six seven eightnineten rings.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed up all around me and around everyone else.

"Dawn!" I cried out and groped out for her hand.

"Kila!" Dawn screamed.

The blue became brighter and I dropped my hand and shielded my eyes. Then it was gone. I was in a totally different place. I took down my hand and looked around. We were standing in the plaza, the center of the Town of Beginnings. All around us, there were people just as confused.

"A forced teleport?" I heard a boy in black wonder behind me.

"Kila!" Dawn rushed over and hugged me tightly.

"Dawn!" I cried and returned the embrace.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She nodded and asked, "What's going on?"

"Apparently this was a forced teleport. Heard it from some dude over there," I said, throwing my hand back to point at the boy behind my shoulder.

Dawn nodded. "Where's Jijika and her family?"

I looked around until I saw the large group a couple feet away. "Jijika!" I cried and ran towards them.

"Kila! Dawn! Thank god you're okay! What's going on?" Riku asked us while holding his son's hands.

"I don't know for sure, but I heard some guy back over there saying this was a forced teleport." I answered.

"Huh." Ikara muttered.

"I wonder why," I mused.

Dawn's head snapped up. "Of course! This must be about the log out button being missing!"

"Oh, right. How stupid of me!" I laughed and calmed down a lot.

They probably called all the players here to apologize and fix the bug or something like that.

I was wrong.

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