Chapter 12

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As we walked up to our room, I could feel Dawn's worry. As soon as we got in our room I flopped on the bed and sighed. Dawn sat on the bed next to me.

"Hey," she said softly.

I looked at her. "Hey."

"What happened?" she asked gently.

"I don't know," I choked out. My eyes began to burn with tears. "I just fr-froze up, that's all."

A tear fell. Another tear. Two tears. Three tears, four, five, six seven eightnineten tears. Dawn wiped my face and hugged me. I rested my head on her shoulder and sobbed.

"Kila, what's wrong?" Dawn asked.

I tore my head from her shoulder and screamed, "My name isn't Kila! It's Anika! I'm not the game, I'm not the game!"

"Anika! What's going on?" Dawn squeezed my hand tightly.

"I hate this game!" I screamed. "I'm Anika, I'm Anika, I'm Anika! My name is Anika! It's not Kila!"

Dawn understood what I was saying and held me tightly. My fists were balled up and I sobbed into her shoulder. She held me tightly and let me cry all my strength out. Eventually I stopped crying and became a shaking mess.

Dawn looked me right in the eyes. "Anika, are we good?" she asked.

I nodded.

"We're not going to hurt anybody or anything?" she questioned.

I nodded again.

"We have our anger under control?" Dawn confirmed.

"Yeah," I whispered, "We're good."

Dawn squeezed my hand again. "Okay. Now, Anika, just relax for a bit, okay?"

"Yeah," I whispered and laid on the bed.

I felt Dawn's hands uncurl my balled fists. She pulled the blankets over me and stroked my hair gently.

Then she asked the final question. "Anika, are you good?"

I nodded.

"Ok. Try to rest a bit. I'm just going to the bathroom," Dawn assured me.

I felt the bed creak as she stood up. Her footsteps receded as she walked away. I sighed. My name was Anika. I was afraid it was turning into the name Kila, which was a horrid reminder of the game I was trapped in. I had always been afraid of adapting to the game. Afraid of it becoming my home. I felt as if I were adjusting, and I reacted with the fear that had been building up.

Looking back on that day, that was my last meltdown for a long time. I learned to control my emotions better. I learned how to prevent my rages from getting too far. Looking back on it, I was trying to eliminate emotions. I wasn't able to stop the silent nighttime crying, however, until a very long time. That only stopped when I truly became a shell.

This day was the first day of Sword Art Online that truly showed me a glimpse of the real game. The real game behind the fake.

I heard Dawn walking back to the bed. She sat next to me and held my hand. The room was silent, and the artificial cold seeped through my bones. My heart beat up my throat, and my stomach flipped, causing me to lurch forward and gag. Dawn jumped forward and squeezed my shoulder.

"Anika, are you okay?" she asked calmly, yet sternly.

I continued to gag, my hands covering my mouth. My eyes squinted tightly shut, burning with unshed tears. I wanted to throw up, get it all over with. However, you can't vomit in Sword Art Online, so I had to sit, muffling my gagging for an hour. I eventually dropped my hands and coughed out, wiping my eyes.

Dawn had sat next to me the whole time, quietly reassuring me without becoming overbearing. I always had reason to be grateful for her.

Dawn rubbed my back gently. "You okay?"

I nodded and flopped back onto the bed. I closed my eyes and instantly felt the warm lulling sensation of sleep tugging on my back. I opened my eyes and turned to Dawn.

"Can I sleep?" I asked her.

Dawn laughed. "Of course. I'll get some sleep too."

I laid back down and tugged the blanket up to my shoulder. I heard the familiar click of the light and the room went dark. Dawn laid down next to me in the bed and took my hand gently, as a silent gesture of reassurance.

I smiled at her and closed my eyes. Sleep overcame me like an ocean wave, warm and comforting. I fell asleep to the sound of silence.


Hey loves! I know this chapter was really short, but I needed to update, so here's some angst lmao. By the way, Dawn and Kila aren't dating, but feel free to ship them idgaf :) lol

Please drop off some suggestions in the comment section!

I'm considering starting a love live fanfiction soon. Wdy think? Kanamari is my otp sorry lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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