Chapter 1

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Shelby's P.O.V

I was driving to the airport, I was leaving today to spend the summer in Washington with my cousin, Ross. He was the one that first got me into YouTube, and im glad because I am my own boss and get to make my schedule. As I got to the airport I got a text from Ross.
R- I wont be at the airport to pick you up, my roommate Max will be there
S-Okay, just thanks for letting me know
R-He will have a sign for you to find him.
S-Well that's good to know

I went through the security and bag checking, and all that fun stuff. I went to the café and got a coffee and a bagel. My flight was called and I went on, I put my stuff above my head and grabbed my phone and head phones. I turned on my music and fall asleep.

After a while I woke up and the plane was landing. I put my phone in my pocket. After the plane landed I grabbed the stuff from above my head, then exited and went into the airport. I waited until my luggage and looked around for a sign, Ross didn't tell me what it looked like, but I looked around and saw a sign that said Shelby . I walked over to it and asked, " Are you Max?" " yes I am and im guessing your Shelby" he said, " Do you need help with your luggage." "Um, no I got it." I said, following him to his car.
For the most part it was a silent ride, accept the occasional small talk that didn't last long.

After a while we made it to the apartment, as we went in it was actually pretty nice, since only boys lived here. "Your room is up the stairs , to the left first door on your right." he said, "If you need anything ask Ross should be home in about and hour." I walked up the stairs and found my room. It wasn't really decorated but what did I really expect, for boys preparing this. I laughed at myself and started unpacking. After a little bit I got on twitter. I put a post that said In Washington for the summer! After that I continued to unpack when the door opened and I was tackled into a hug. " Shelby!!" Ross yelled "Rosss" I yelled back. " So are you excited to spend all the time with your favorite cousin." He asked " Well I don't think my favorite cousin is here, so I think you will do." I said and stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back. " Okay I will let you get settled in" He then left
~~~~~Two hours later~~~~

"hey Shelby we are going to get food , want something?" Ross shouted at me " Umm, I will take a corn dog" I yelled back. I had just finished editing my video for today and just started uploading it. It was just me playing some weird internet games.

It took Ross and Max a little bit to get back, but by the time they did, Ross ran up to my room and yelled " are you Mad Max" then ran into my room and locked the door. " What was that about" I ask. " He doesn't like to be called that, so I do it to annoy him" he said and threw me my food. " Ross you are so dead" Max said from the other side, I just laughed and ate my corn dog.

After a while Ross left my room, and I heard screaming. I just shrugged it off and got ready for bed.

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