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A good drive was all I needed to clear my head. I head back home and as I'm pulling into my street I spot Summer's bright red Mercedes in front of my house "fuck" I yell in my car as I park.

Walking into my house Liv runs up to me whispering "Abort! Abort!"

"What?" I ask as she yanks me into the kitchen

"She's in your room! And she's pissed!"

"Why'd you let her in then?"

"Have you met your girlfriend? She's been here for hours!"

"I'll take care of it" walking upstairs I open my bedroom door to find her sitting at my desk going through my stuff "Summer what are you doing?"

"Looking for evidence"

"Evidence of what?"

"Evidence that you're cheating on me! I mean that's the only reason a boyfriend would lie to their girlfriend about where they'd be right? So tell me Mitch, who's the bitch?"

"I'm not cheating on you Summer" I shut my bedroom door and take off my jacket tossing it on the floor.

"Obviously a lie"

"Why would I cheat on you?"

"Why would you cheat on me? I mean have you looked at me? This doesn't get cheated on" she points to her body

"Summer did you come here just to accuse me for shit I didn't do?"

"No I came here to make up about our fight earlier, but I don't want to make up since you not only ditched me you lied just to ditch me. What's your problem Mitch?" YOU'RE MY PROBLEM! "This relationship feels very one sided and I'm tired of my efforts being taken for granted" she yaps as I change to head to the gym "do you even care about us anymore Mitch? Aren't I important" she's still going "YOU'RE NOT EVEN LISTENING!" She yells

"Summer! I'm not fighting with you alright? I'm going to the gym" I head to my door

But she blocks it "not until you explain to me what's going on with you, something's the matter and you won't even talk to me"

"Nothing's wrong I just don't want to fight"

"Then we won't fight, but you have to talk to me"

Taking in a deep breath I move towards her "I'm sorry I lied I just needed some time alone, if you want to go to the mall tomorrow we can skip school and spend the whole day at the mall. Whatever you want"

She smiles "well I want you" she wraps her arms around my neck "I hate not being able to kiss you when I'm mad at you" she moves her head in and starts to kiss me, I kiss her back. Pulling us from the door she sits me on the bed and straddles my lap.


Walking Summer out to her car "call me ok?"

"Yeah" I reply and she kisses me then leaves. I'm so fucked.

Walking back into my house I go to my room and lock the door, falling on my bed I lay on my back staring at the ceiling contemplating my options. It's never been this hard to break up with someone before, I knew what I was getting myself into and now I don't know how to get out.

I try to fall asleep but I can't, it's late and everyone else is asleep but I'm wide awake. Grabbing my phone I text Jax 'hey'  maybe he's awake

Few minutes later 'hey back'

'Are you busy right now?'

'Nope just in bed can't really sleep'

'Same... Would you want to go for a drive?'

'Right now? It's like 2am'

'Just really need to clear my head'

'Sure... Pick me up?'

'Be there in 20' standing up I throw some sweats and sneakers and a hoodie on and quietly get in my car driving away. Pulling up to Jax's house 'I'm outside' I text him.

He comes out his house seconds later and walks towards my car getting in "hey" he turn to me smiling as he shuts the car door

"I was thinking about honking to let you know I was outside, but something told me that wouldn't have ended well for us"

We laugh "I'm glad you didn't." I drive around and the car is pretty quite but it's nice not being alone right now. I get to the beach and I pull over "sunset beach?" Jax turns to me

"Kinda was in the mood to hear some waves, is that weird?"

"Not at all" he gets out of the car and I follow. We find a good spot on the sand and sit down facing the water "it's 2 am and we're at sunset, what's up?"

"Summer came over last night and accused me of cheating"

"I know, she texted me saying you weren't home and yet your sister was. You told her you had to watch your sister?"

"I told her something to get me away"

"Why are you torturing yourself?"

"I don't know"

"One thing I know about Summer is that she likes people who are direct, you're not helping yourself by beating around the bush"

"I know."

"Do you? It doesn't have to be this stressful, just get it over with, the stress should happen after the break up"

"Because of all the shit she's going to put me through."

"That's our Summer" he grins "love her or leave her, but don't think you're going to leave her easy"

"You're not helping"

"I'm sorry but I've been Summer's best-friend forever so I know her"

"So you of all people should get what I'm going through"

"Trust me I do." We stare at the water and Jax pulls his legs to his chest and wraps his arms around them

"Are you cold?" I ask

"Kinda" he's practically shaking

"Here take my hoodie" I unzip it taking it off and putting it on him

"You're not wearing a shirt" he smiles "you need it more than I do"

"I have warm blood, I can handle it." Jax stares at the water and I look at him "thanks for coming with me"

He turns to me "yeah you're welcome."

Jax moves closer to me and we continue to talk to the point where he falls asleep on my shoulder. I let him sleep until his phone rings causing him to jump out of his sleep, grabbing his phone from his pocket he turns it off "sorry it's my alarm"

"What time is it?"

"6:30. How long was I out?"

"Hour or so"

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You seemed peaceful" the sun starts to rise

"We should probably head back gotta be at school soon"

I don't want to leave this beach. Driving Jax back I walk him to his front door "I had fun" he says as we stand in front of his door

"Yeah me too thanks again" we smile at each other then he yawns "sorry I kept you up"

"No it's ok, I'll see you at school"

"Yeah. Later" we wave to each other and he walks in.

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