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"Hey wake up" I hear Jax's whispering voice and the feel of his warm hand placed softly on my face, slowly opening my eyes I see him bent to the side of me one hand slowly running against my cheek "good morning" he says in his raspy voice smiling

"Morning" I reply in my morning voice "what time is it?"

"8 am I think" he stands up "I told my parents you're here but my dad had to go to work so my mom is downstairs making us breakfast"

"Ok" I stand up

"Here" he hands me my phone "it's been ringing all morning"

Taking it from him I stare at the calls "they're all from my mom" I keep scrolling through and notice a name that's not my mom "and Jessie" I look at the screen confused

"What about her?"

"She called me and left a voicemail"

"You should listen to it"

Locking the phone I shove it in my pocket "I will later."

"Good morning" Jax mom's face lights up when we walk in the kitchen "have a seat breakfast is almost ready" Jax and I sit next to each other at the table "how are you feeling honey?" His mom asks as she pours coffee for us

"Getting better I think, just wish my voice was back to normal"

"The doctor says that's going to take a while, he also said that you have to take it easy for a few weeks he says your breathing will be off for awhile and not to let you do anything excessive"

"I know mom" Jax whines "I know I'm a mess can we talk about something else please?" She serves us breakfast and sits down to eat

"How about you Mitchell? How are you feeling?"

"Oh I'm good no major injuries"

"That's good!" We continue to eat "I told Jax to invite you and your family to dinner and he said you'd say no so I wanted to ask you for myself, would you talk to your parents about it?"

"I already told Jax I'd do it"

She smiles "you did?! That's great! I can't wait"

"Oh no" Jax starts "every time anyone gives you a reason to cook you always over cook "

"I do not!" 

"Oh come on mom are you forgetting last year with Brandon's parents? You practically cooked a feast because you didn't know what they liked" Jax and his mother argue back and forth

"Well sorry I want to impress."

As we eat we hear the front door open "good morning Wensons!" Summer yells

"In here!" Jax's mom calls out

"Karla is Jax awake because I'm about to surpi-" she walks in to us eating and stops mid sentence "surprise"

"Hey" Jax greets her

"Mitch what are you doing here?" She ignores Jax and jumps right to me

"I wanted to check up on Jax and now we're all having breakfast"

"Join us" Jax adds

"No thanks that looks like a lot of carbs I do not need" she sits down at the table "anyways this is the real reason I came here" she reaches into her purse "my parents thought what happened at school was super traumatic and that I needed a load off so they got me 4 tickets plus paid expenses to Bora Bora!" she grins wide "and I want you my best friend to come with me!"

"Are you crazy? He's suppose to be resting" Jax's mom says before Jax can reply

"And he can rest in Bora Bora" no one replies and I continue to eat my breakfast "seriously? Everyone take out your phones and google Bora Bora!" Taking out her phone she googles it and show us "see how amazing that looks?! Karla come on even you would go"

"I don't have the energy for a long flight to a place I've never heard of" Jax says to her

"Wow" she stands up and picks her purse up "maybe I'm at the wrong house, because my best friend Jax wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to go to an amazing island for a few days and forget about almost dying"

"Don't be so dramatic"

"Nope forget it. Karla I'll see you" she turns to Jax "Jax you're a traitor" then she looks at me "Mitch will you walk me to my car please?"

"Sure" I stand up and we walk out together

"I'm guessing you told him?" She asks as soon as we get outside

"You'd be guessing wrong"

"Why not Mitch? You like Jax and we all know he's crazy about you"

"I don't want to say anything until I'm sure" we walk to her car "what'd you mean when you said you and I never had what Jax and I have?"

She smiles "it's so obvious how much you care about him Mitch, you're in denial and that's totally fine but I'm not dumb or blind. He's the one for you, I know it"

"Summer Adams predicting love?"

"Right! What's next" she unlocks her car "but seriously Mitch, Jax is my best friend and I love him and I know you enough to know you won't hurt him, but you have to hurry and figure out what you want because I know Jax and he's probably suffering"

"I don't want to say anything without being sure, he just woke up from a coma he doesn't need the stress"

"Fuck the coma! Love should never wait" I smile realizing something "what?" She looks at me confused

"You're becoming the Summer I remembered"

"God you're such a fucking sap!" She gets in her car "my boyfriend and I are gonna go have hot Bora Bora sex, I'll see you losers later" she starts her car and drives away.

"Is she mad at me?" Jax walks outside as I walk back to the door

"No it's Summer we shouldn't expect any less" he laughs. I get closer to him until we're standing across from each other "I'm gonna head home, I'm glad you're ok" I wrap my arms around him hugging him

"Why are you so good to me?" He whispers against my chest

Pulling away "if I was good to you Jax I wouldn't have let you walk away that day, you'd be fine right now"

"Oh come on what happened was no ones fault, everyone hates science and now they have a reason. You saved me and look" he smiles "I'm fine"

I smile back "yes you are."

I turn to leave but Jax grabs my arm "thank you Mitch, thank you for running back in for me, for breaking down a burning door to get to me, and for carrying me out of a burning room. I don't know how I'm gonna repay you but I will"

"I just wanted you to be ok and you are"

He lets go of my arm "you're amazing you know that?"

"I think so"

"Well you are and you're going to make some very lucky girl very happy someday"


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