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Jax pov

"I miss him" I walk into the kitchen pouting as my mom washes dishes after dinner

"You guys are still fighting?"

I sit on the counter behind her "yes! And I spent like an hour in my room staring at our texts, at one point I swear the text bubble popped up then disappears. That means he wants to talk to me right?!"

"What are text bubbles?" She turns to me

"Ughhh" I grunt rolling my eyes "I need Summer" I jump off the counter. "I'm about to tell you something and yes it's serious" she stops and turns to me "I think I should talk to someone about the fire and the coma. I think about the fire a lot mom and it's hard for me to sleep at night because all I dream about is being stuck in that room again, a therapist might really help."

"Of course honey, if you think it will help then we'll start looking for someone" she smiles "you're my baby so whatever it takes"

She hugs me with her wet soapy hands "eww mom come on!" I move away from her "I'm gonna go pine over Mitch hoping he'll call"

"Why don't you just talk to him? I've seen you run to each other for less"

"It's more of a test really, I want to see how long it'll take him to apologize"

"Don't play games with boys honey they get bored quick"

"Mitch is no boy mom, and it's not a game it's a test." I walk to my room. Taking out my phone I go to my photo library and start to flip through the pictures I take of Mitch when he's asleep, what? You don't take pictures of your hot boyfriend when he's asleep? I love when he spoons me while we're sleeping, when he's deep asleep his muscles tightens up around me and I don't think anything else makes me safer.

Exhaling loudly I stare at the ceiling, I'm gonna see him tomorrow and it's gonna be torture.


"The one day I actually have a good reason to skip you want to go to school" I complain to Summer as she drives

"I want to see Cam, we had such a great night last night, and after our date he slept over" she grins wiggling her eyebrows at me "if you know what I mean"

"You're such a dork! But you know if I see Mitch I'm going to give in like a dumb idiot and just forget we're fighting right"

"It doesn't take Mitch to prove you're an idiot" she laughs so I shove her "and it was so easy for me to ignore him when we were fighting, why can't you?"

"No it wasn't! Every time you and Mitch fought, which was everyday by the way, you'd be waiting by his car, or already in his room making up"

"He's hard to ignore" she has no fucking clue. "If you see him just go the opposite way"

"Summer Adams telling me to run from my problems?" I turn to her

"I may be a bitch but I'm a sympathetic bitch" we smile. Getting to school she parks in her regular spot and we get out "now remember we're popular, boys are beneath us, and we don't let lesser bitches get to us." she walks around the car putting her Ray Bans on.

"The pep talk I need every morning" I follow next to her

"Hey Summer" Abby Elms calls out to Summer

She turns to me "ugh kiss ass Abby" then turns to Abby who's walking towards us "hey Abby! Cute skirt!"

"Thanks! It's custom made"

"How original, later" we walk past Abby "custom made means ugly right?" She laughs and we walk in. Ignoring her snarky comments at people I keep a look out Mitch "there he is!" Summer says and I jump looking around

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