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Hey guys. So I'm here to tell you a little science fact. Just hear me out okay?

So if you were to take two glasses of water and in one speak only kind words and in the other spoke only negative words they'll look the same right?

Well if you freeze the water in both glasses and look at the snowflakes they create you can see a huge difference between them. On one hand, the snowflakes from the water with kind words will be beautiful and what we call perfect snowflakes. While on the other hand the snowflakes from the water with negative words will be disfigured and unrecognizable as a snowflakes.

Stay with me here. Now since we are 75% water, that means that the words spoken to us will mix with our Chemical compound making us feel the negative emotions.

My point? Spread love not hate. Don't bring people down, instead help them up when they fall. We can change the world by sending positive emotions around instead of the negative ones.

So to start I want to say that you are all beautiful human beings. In my books you are all perfect, all of what people would call imperfections are what make you perfect. Your talents are what make you you. You are all amazing people that are meant for great things. So keep going, after all the next chapter of your story is about to begin.

P.s. love you guys! I believe you!  :)

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