Chapter 3 - The Next Patient

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Jasmine licked her lips hungrily, tasting Lucy's fresh sticky blood that had been drained from her body and into Jasmine's mouth, still warm from her throbbing veins. It was sickly and sweet, a flavour she never tired of tasting. However, it was not the nicest she'd ever tasted. This child hadn't been as important as some of her other patients who she'd tasted. Nevertheless, each one still had to be seen to, no matter how good their flavour was. Jasmine was helping regardless, whether it was one person or five.

            She looked down at the lifeless body of Lucy, snuggled in her silly Barbie bed with a big Barbie picture on her cover, her eyes wide with amazement and shock, her mouth hanging open, her last breath lingering on her lips and dancing against her tongue, blood slightly dotted on her top set of baby teeth. Jasmine closed the eyes lightly with her spiky fingernails and grinned, licking her lips again, the taste remaining on her taste buds.

Lucy's hair sprayed out all over the pillow, her head tilted up from where Jasmine had dropped the limp girl like one of the rag dolls on the end of the bed. She had pretty hair, though it was losing it's colour the longer Jasmine looked at it.

It was such a nice feeling, piercing someone's flesh and drinking the panicked pumping blood, sucking it all out with one quick action. It felt good and made her powerful and strong inside. It always tasted nicer when there was panic. It was like the adrenaline flowed through the blood stream, causing Jasmine to be much more aware about the things around her.

The best feeling was the constant fill of power as Lucy's life went into her own and filled her core, consuming her mind. She was in control of this part of the situation and it was a lovely feeling. The heat was addictive because it continued to stay on her lips, her tongue, and her throat as the blood slid down into her own body, churning and pumping the beauty back into her face. She could practically feel it pushing colour into her cheeks.

She loved her fangs. They were sharp and strong like ivory, thick and slippery so they could sink into the skin better. It was the one good thing you got when being a vampire, in Jasmine's opinion. It was the first thing she thought about when she became one. Fangs. Lovely sharp long fangs helped you have a nice meal and Jasmine sure did love to eat.

Thinking about the deed afterwards, however, was the worst part of the whole ordeal. The poor girl was only alive for eight years and then BAM! Her life flashed before her eyes just like that as she wrinkled like a prune. She wasn't even able to see the world and all of it's destroyed beauty. Oh well, Jasmine thought, she wouldn't know about the terrible things that people did to the world and what they did to each other. War, pollution, etc, etc, etc. It was a good thing in the long run; Jasmine had convinced herself of this too many times.

Doing the deed was fun. She was in control, not them. Control was good in the position she was in. Years and years ago, just after she had turned into a vampire, she hadn't had that control nor that power to do what she wanted to them. Now she did and she loved it. She called the shots, no one else. They were powerless to her. Children were especially included in this category.

That's what made it so enjoyable for children. It wasn't that they were easy targets or easy to scare. They just couldn't do anything to her. She was strong. They had no hope. They had no chance of surviving unless she wanted them to.

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