Chapter 6 - Zak's Match

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He couldn't believe Gems was being so horrendous to Jasmine! How could he not stand up to his own girlfriend about being so uncaring and insensitive about what was obviously a touchy subject for Jasmine? She was in the wrong and it wasn't fair. She was treating Jasmine so awfully and he didn't even have the strength to tell her differently.

Gems was a strong character. She could be violent if she wanted to. He'd realised this recently when they'd been alone together at her house and she'd attacked him from behind, biting and scratching his neck and back like an animal. Though he kind of enjoyed it, it worried him how nasty she could be. He wasn't too sure how far Gems would go to get her own way at times.

It didn't make sense. He played football, he knew jujitsu, he knew how to fight and he'd won every fight he'd ever got into, though not many people had ever challenged him to one after he became part of the football team. Why couldn't he stand up to Gems, his own girlfriend, who'd never learnt how to even block a punch? He just couldn't defend Jasmine from Gems without feeling guilty.

He felt even worse every time Jasmine got that look in her eye as if she was asking him why he wasn't saying anything about his girlfriend's behaviour. He couldn't control Gems and it made it even more obvious when Gems started reacting this way around girls, especially Jasmine. Zak was quick to notice that she was becoming quite possessive. It made him feel pathetic and useless because he just went with whatever he said instead of sticking up for his friends.

            Jasmine, although she was the new shy girl of the year, seemed extremely familiar to him but for the life of him he couldn't remember where he had seen her. Something about her was very memorable. He couldn't explain it. She was beautiful, too, very, very beautiful, with a gorgeous voice and an amazing figure. Her hair was startling and silky, her eyes were hypnotic, her skin was pale white and spotless, her whole face was breath-taking. He couldn't see how he didn't remember her. Surely if he'd seen her before he would have remembered such an elegant sight.

Every time he looked at her he couldn't help it but scan her whole body in admiration. Though he felt bad on Gems, the attraction to study her was too strong. She was one of those sights that you only saw for a brief moment. She was quiet and addictive to him. Maybe Gems was jealous. Jasmine had got quite a few looks on her first day, not just from half of the lads in the school, much to Zak's amusement. She was sensitive and mysterious which made her all the more alluring. However, the worst part was that Zak knew she was being hurt by Gems and he wasn't doing a single thing to stop it.

            Annoyed at his own memory, Zak just watched Jasmine being tormented and didn't do anything to prevent the harassment. She was prodded and poked, pushed about and pulled away, but no matter how many times Jasmine was bullied, she never reacted to it. She just let it happen like a child's rag doll. She took it and ignored it as if it had always happened to her, bouncing back as soon as Gems had a breather before she was pulled back down again. Zak felt so sorry for her. She had moved to a new school and already she was being bullied by one of the only people she knew there. It was all the more reason to defend her and yet he still didn't, much to his own irritation. He couldn't seem to bring himself to stand up for her and ended up just looking away when it happened.

            He wanted to touch her all the time; her cold silk skin was so wonderful on his that it was almost irresistible to him. He wondered about how soft her hair actually was in his fingers and what was exactly under her clothes that she was hiding. She was hiding back from them, probably due to insecurity, and Gems definitely wasn't helping the situation. He wasn't going to find out with Gems breathing over his shoulder.

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