Chapter 29 - Jasmine's Lunch Break

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She hated having to use her powers on Zak but he was giving her no choice. He was intervening in her life and he had no need to be. She was fine with Darren and he was being nice to her, very nice in fact. He was too nervous to actually try anything and even if he did try someting, if she didnt want to do it then she could stop it immediately.

Zak had no right to tell Darren what to do or to threaten him if anything happened. Jasmine was powerful and she knew that Darren would never do anything like that.

            Darren had been a really good friend the whole day. He’d stuck by her side and had laughed and had got on with her really well. At break it had been uncomfortable at first with it just being the two of them. Darren had been embarrassed and shy, shuffling in his seat and glancing at her from under his hair every so often. Eventually, he’d relaxed and had started talking to her, making her able to breathe again.

            It was about to turn lunch now, and she could still feel Zak’s eyes on her, not taking her threat seriously enough, apparently. She bowed her head to the side so he couldn’t see her face. Science was the one lesson she really didn’t want. It reminded her of her first day and also, Zak sat next to her. She flicked her hair over her shoulder so it created a kind of curtain, a barrier, between them.

            She murmured under her breath and rolled her eyes to the back of her head, causing Zak to tremble with the freezing temperature that was covering him like a blanket. He nudged her and she jumped, losing concentration.


“Stop it.”

She leaned closer to him and could see some of the other students watching them. “Stop what?” She narrowed her eyes as she said it, glaring at him. He stared back.

“Look, I’m sorry I’m being a bit over-protective…”

“A bit over-protective? Zak, you’re annoying me. Please just leave it alright? It has nothing to do with you.” She fiddled with a strand of her hair and continued to snarl at him, her lips curling.

“It has everything to do with me!” He said loudly.

“Shh!” The teacher said and glared at Zak before returning to her desk and sitting down, shuffling some papers around.

Zak lowered his voice and began to whisper in Jasmine’s ear again. He was so close to her. She had wanted him to be close when she had started. Now, Darren was her goal.

There was no point going after a boy that was already taken and had a monster machine for a girlfriend. Though she could easily break them up, she didnt want Gems to be an enemy. It would be too much hassle, especially as there was another guy who was equally as sweet and careful around her, if not more so, than Zak.

“You’re my friend and I don’t want him to hurt you.” Zak whispered forcefully and she could feel his legs lean against hers purposely.

She felt tingles going up her legs where he made contact and swallowed carefully. “That’s my problem, Zak.” She squeezed her eyes shut and the bell went off.

Thank god.

She was out of her seat before anyone had realised it had gone. So what if it was a minute or two early? She couldn’t stand to waste any more time doing nothing. The work was easy.

“Jasmine please.” He grabbed her hand and she glared at him, but blushed. People were sneakily watching and she wished they wouldn’t. Darren was waiting for her. She pulled her hand away and folded her arms instead. “I helped you. At least do this one thing for me and be careful.”

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