Chapter 5 - Jasmine's New School

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"Just sign this, Jasmine. We need any contact numbers you can provide in case of an emergency and an address for newsletters. It also mentions all of the rules which you'll have to take into consideration throughout the rest of the school year. You don't have to read them just now. There's a separate page at the back. Do you want me to sum it up for you or do you want to read it? Well, don't skip classes and don't stick glue to the teacher's chair. Believe me, it was not fun dealing with an angry teacher with a chair glued to their skirt. If you break any of these rules you'll be expelled. If you break any minor rules you'll get a detention after class. You know all about them, right? We don't take lightly to skippers. You must attend every lesson unless you have a valid doctor's note.

"There we go. You're done! I'll show you where to go so take note of where everything is. I've given you a map so you should be alright. I've warned your teachers that for the first few days you might be a bit late. Try not to take advantage of this. I don't want you starting the year on a bad note. Pass me the form, please? Thank you. Someone will help you around the place so you get used to the school for a day or two so you should be fine. I'm sure you'll fit in brilliantly."


The headmistress walked Jasmine down the corridor with the slips Jasmine had just signed clutched firmly in her hands. The older looking woman wasn't a very attractive woman; her hair was going slightly grey at the roots, though she was only in her late twenties, twenty-eight to be exact. Her skirt was cut in a bad diagonal style, the colour a musty green which frayed out at her knees, making her legs look too chunky. Her shirt was a worn out white, which was tucked snugly into the waist of the skirt, and a matching jacket was buttoned right to the top with a large bow on the side that didn't match anything she was wearing. The clothes alone added another fifteen years to her looks. The shoes made the whole catastrophe five times worse, a pair of blackened nurse shoes which were fading from the years of use.

            It had taken Jasmine a few minutes to change herself to becoming almost human looking this morning. Her face was still a little grey and pale and her tongue was a dark pink but other than that everything seemed normal. It was difficult to look completely perfect, but she could get away with how she looked for now. Getting the correct skin colour was going to be an issue anyway. She would have to drink a few people a day in order to maintain the rosy cheeks she got after feeding. There was no way she was going to be able to do that and get away with it for long.

After her second attempt at trying to look as alive as possible, it was the best that it was going to be. Most of them would probably class her as a goth, from what she could work out from the internet she had scanned the day before. She had cut her long black hair into a layered thick and wavy style, dangling down her back. The pale colour of her skin gleamed with the black eyeliner outlining her startlingly white eyes and black pupils. It was weird to find a school which wasn't completely strict on make up but she wasn't complaining.

She knew she looked beautiful to the eye. From the pictures she had modelled herself from, they got hundreds of views. Everyone wanted the hair, the eyes, the beautiful flawless skin. She was a tempting dark angel. It was one of the perks of being a vampire. It would get her far in the school, she was sure. All the pretty ones usually became popular within the week. She had high expectations, to say the least.

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