Alice's Pack

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"NO!" Riffin cried. "I...I mean-"

"So you have been cheating on me!" I tightened my claw's grip on Daffodil's neck. "How come I couldn't have your pups huh?! Are you sterile?"

"No, what happened was I mixed diced birth control pills in your wet food." Riffin admitted. "I do that with all my mates except..."

You're kidding me!

"So Daffodil could have your eggs?! Great!" I snapped sarcastically, feeling my eyes welling up. "Well she's going to die anyway, and then you'll be alone! Always!"

"I'll find another mate when I leave this pack!" Riffin retorted.

"Riffin? I thought you loved me!" Daffodil whimpered.

"He manipulated you like he did me, and now I'm going to end your pitiful life!" I hissed. "One of you keep Riffin's eyes open so he can witness this!"

The shiny Haxorus pried Riffin's eyes and he struggled. Good, he should suffer anyway. My focus returned to Daffodil, the useless member of the pack that I was more than happy to toss away.

"Isn't this so funny?" I snickered looking Daffodil dead in the eyes. "You think you know somebody, only to know they're two-faced and they don't even love you!"

Tears fell down my face and I was angry that she was seeing my weakness and I realized that it was time to kill her. I shoved her to the ground and pointed my head-blade to her throat.

Then I thought...why should I kill her right away?

"Oh Riffin~" I purred tauntingly. "Do you value your life more or Daffodil's?"

"I'm not answering that question!" Riffin huffed.

"I was hoping you'd say that." I savored the moment when Riffin's face fell and I used my head-blade to slash a clean line across Daffodil's stomach that suddenly poured blood. I stood over her despite her struggling.

"Charizard, Haxorus. Tell me your names." I asked my new packmates.



"Well, you two will be clawing and beating up Riffin till he answers my question while I take care of Daffodil." I ordered them. "Got it?"

"Yes ma'am!" They said in unison. Dragon raised his claw over Riffin's head and he immediately broke down.

"My life, I value my life over Daffodil's!" Riffin cried in fear. "Just please don't hurt me!"

"Oh Riffin, a coward till the very end." I laughed bitterly. "Dragon, Bristlecone. Keep holding onto him, he needs to see Daffodil's end."

I turned to Daffodil who looked dead inside and soon outside too! I'm hilarious! I let the anger build up knowing I was going to take it all out on Daffodil. Finally, I let go.

I gave a chaotic screech before I lifted Daffodil off the ground and slammed her back onto said ground and let my claws fly everywhere tearing her apart. She whimpered and I punched her to shut her up.

"Oh c'mon! It's only death dear!" I joked before slashing her throat open.

Daffodil fell over and collapsed dead, and I realized the whole pack had watched me execute her. Good, now they know how strong their Alpha really is!

"What shall we do with Riffin?" Dragon asked me.

"Let me go!" Riffin barked.

"No. You want me to kill you. But I am not doing either of those things!" I announced. "As punishment for breaking my heart, you will live in a burrow by yourself at the edge of the forest. And you will constantly watched by patrols to keep you from escaping, living out the rest of your meaningless life as you should."

Riffin struggled and yowled for his former packmates but none of took action or even sympathized with him. Good, they're loyal to me now and they know it.

"Dragon, fly him to a burrow in the corner of the forest and bring three of your packmates with." I explained. "You four will watch him till I send another quartet to take over."

The Charizard took off with the wildly struggling Fufrou in his front claws and several Pokémon followed. I was looking forward to getting know these Pokémon better, but I was worn out from all the drama.

"Alice! Did're still alive!"

I saw Fig dash out of the bushes and right into the middle of my new pack. They growled and readied themselves to leap at the dumb Grovyle when I held a paw up.

"No, he's with me." I reassured them. "As your Alpha I'm letting him into the pack. Treat him with respect or I'll maim you."

"That's amazing Alice! You're too kind-"

"Don't mention it." I told him. "It's all I can do for you helping me."

Fig smiled and bowed before he looked to his new packmates.

"My pack! Since I have just recently moved to this forest and became your Alpha, I'm going to need to meet all of you and learn how this pack runs." I explained. "Healer is it? What is it that you do?"

"I'm the Alpha's guide and I heal injured Pokémon in the pack." Healer explained.

"Ooh, what's over there?" I asked curiously as I looked at a bunch of small Pokémon in a big burrow.

"That's the Nursery where the baby Pokémon are raised by their mothers." Healer added. "When will this meeting be Alpha?"

"It will be tomorrow, I'm tired as a Snorlax." I yawned. "Show me where the Alpha sleeps will you Healer?"

Some of the pack began whispering annoyed probably because I was being spoiled. Well they could deal with it because I was their Alpha now. Even if it was by accident.

Healer lead me to a huge cave with a mossy floor and Swanna feathers. This looked more comfortable than the flat floors we had to sleep on in the Pokérental Company! I thanked Healer and ran into the small cave and curled up on the moss and feathers.

Everything felt perfect until I remembered why I was here. Cause I was looking for Riffin, cause I loved him. And now his mate was dead from my claws while he's being held hostage in a burrow.

None of my pack would betray me, I'd make sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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