Chapter 8: I Need Cats And Cuddles

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Filler chapter, yay! \o/


Harper woke up feeling great. She knew Lydia wouldn’t be awake for a while, she when she did wake, she would probably feel like she was dying so Harper put some Advil and water beside her on the bedside table.

After making herself some cereal, she heard her phone ringing. She quickly picked it up so she wouldn’t wake up Lydia.

“It’s Alan,” she heard Alan say in a groggy tone.

Harper giggled. “You sound like you’re having a fun morning.”

“Please come. I need cats and cuddles,” Alan begged.

“Ok, I just have to wake Lydia up and I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Harper said before hanging up. She went to go wake Lydia up, which she knew was going to be a huge struggle.

“You’re not waking me up,” Lydia murmured into her pillow.

“But we’re going to see hot boys,” Harper tried as she pulled the blankets off the bed.

“You go see hot boys. I’ll just sleep.”

“Fine, no soup for you,” Harper said as she started getting dressed.

 “What kind of soup?” Lydia asked, glancing up from the pillow.

“Chicken noodle soup and superhero movie marathons,” Harper explained in a dreamy voice as she put on a baggy sweater and black leggings.

“Will there be puke buckets?”

“And a beautiful porcelain toilet.”

“I’m in,” Lydia enthused, getting out of bed and popping a couple pills.

Harper brushed her hair and put on her Drop Dead beanie before quickly filling Satan’s food bowl and leading Lydia out the door.

“Did I do anything really embarrassing last night?” Lydia asked on the way.

“Oh yeah, you ripped your shirt off and started dancing on tables with the strippers. You also sang karaoke and threw a bottle of Jack out the window,” Harper lied, feeling rather amused with herself.

“Are you serious?” Lydia asked.


“Fuck you,” she shot as they walked into the apartment building.

Harper was let into Alan and Austin’s apartment by a tired-looking Austin. He didn’t even smile at them as they walked inside. He did wrap his arms around Lydia and laid down with her on the couch though. They didn’t say a word as they watched Adventure Time on that flat screen TV.

Harper groaned at all of the cleaning she would have to do for these damn drunks. She made her way down the hall and checked all of the doors until she got to the last door. She opened it and saw Alan sleeping in his bed.

His room was probably the size of Harper’s entire apartment with a huge flat screen TV, games, movies, and an on-suite bathroom.

“Oh hi,” Alan murmured from his bed. “I feel like someone dropped a fucking piano on my head. Wait... why are you wearing a sweater? It’s like, spring.”

To hide the cuts I made this morning. “It’s cold,” Harper lied. Sometimes Harper wondered why she had to be depressed. She was perfectly fine with her life, and when Alan was added it was even better.

“But we live in California.”

“I just wanted to wear a sweater, ok?” Harper said, falling on top of Alan. “How heavy is the piano on your head?” She asked, changing the subject.

“Like... Honey Boo Boo’s mom,” Alan said with a tired smile.

Harper laughed and gave Alan a kiss. “I help you-”

Alan pulled her into a kiss again, their lips moulding perfectly together. Harper felt butterflies as Alan’s hands travelled down her sides, under her shirt...

“Where’s the soup?” Lydia yelled from the living room, causing Harper to pull away and catch her breath.

She sighed and got off of Alan. “Get some sleep,” she murmured before walking into the kitchen.

She had strong feelings for Alan, and all she wanted to do was kiss him, but there was this small feeling in the pit of her stomach that things weren’t going to work out. She felt like there was something that was going to keep her from him and he would slowly distance himself from her.

She shook her thoughts away as she started making the soup. She needed to put these thoughts to the side before she really messed something up.

“Something smells delicious,” Alan said, emerging from his room fifteen minutes later, when the soup was finally done.

“It’s probably my vagina. I’ve been told it’s delicious,” Lydia said bluntly as she poured herself some soup into a mug.

“I’ve been told that Harper’s tastes like Pepsi cola,” Alan teased, causing Harper to blush. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Lydia stared at him before walking back to the couch that was still against the wall. “I’m going to throw up because of your cuteness, or possibly my raging hangover.”

“Did I hear someone say raging boner?” Austin asked as he emerged from the washroom.

Everyone laughed and he looked at us confusedly as he poured himself some soup.

“Yes Austin, I have a raging boner,” Lydia said, sarcastically.

“And that proves that Lydia is really a man and Austin is gay. It also proves that Cashby was once real,” Harper teased, giving Alan a reassuring kiss before going to pour herself some soup.

Harper couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. She hated cleaning, but apparently there was ramen noodles in the deal if she vacuumed the living room, so she agreed. She needed some time to herself, anyway. Alan, Austin, and Lydia went to the grocery store as Harper cleaned.

She had the music blasted as she vacuumed through the living room and picked up beer bottles and wine glasses on her way around the room.

When she was by herself, she always sang. It was something to distract her and she felt very proud of herself because she was awesome at single player American Idol: 2005 edition.

She was in the middle of belting out Thanks For The Memories by Fall Out Boy, when she heard snickering behind her. She turned the vacuumed off and turned around, seeing Alan filming her with his iPhone with Lydia and Austin behind him, killing themselves laughing.

“Don’t worry, I only posted seven seconds of it on Vine, and the rest will stay on my phone forever,” Alan said with a devious grin.

Harper blushed a million shades of red as she put the vacuum away in the closet at the end of the hall, to keep herself busy. She couldn’t look at anyone when she was blushing this much.

“Hey, you were good,” Alan said, coming towards her as she tried to shove the vacuum into the closet.

“You’re such a tool,” Harper murmured as she closed the closet. She turned to Alan. He pinned her against the wall, still grinning at her.

“I’m serious,” he said, giving her a kiss. “You’re even better than me.”

“Alan, you can’t sing to save your life!” Austin yelled from the kitchen.

“That’s not the point!” Alan yelled back before turning his attention back to Harper.

“I’d like to see how that voice sounds in the bedroom,” he teased before going into the kitchen to help put the groceries away. Was he hinting at something?

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