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He was dressed in all black. I didn't see any face though, because it was covered. The light flickered on and I saw him across from me at the other side of the room - but the light was gone in a split second.

I put my arms out and searched the space around me blindly - I couldn't see because it was so dark. A blast of air went by me and I staggered back a little unsure of where it came from. Where did the man go?

I started to back up and after two steps back I hit a wall. Where was I and why wasn't there any light?




I shot up in bed panting hard. I lifted a shaking hand to my face - I was sweating like hell.

I was just glad it was a dream. I was still frightened but I noticed something - my bedroom was dark.

I... I'm not on a bed either... I noticed. Where was my bed?

I was getting a bad feeling about this.

This was not my bedroom.

"Hello?" I called out and realized how shaky my voice was.

"Rise and shine..."

I jumped up at the sound of the voice... The same one from my dream. Was it even a dream?

"WH-Who are you?" I asked still scared. I didn't even know where the man was.

I heard two claps and there was suddenly light. Curious and heart racing, I looked around the room I was in.

It looked like a cave with black walls; rough floor, low ceiling and I realized I was on a couch. Yet, there was no one in sight.

Scared and cautious, I stood up and walked off the couch and across the room -

Until I was grabbed from the back of the coller of my white blouse. Staggering back by whoever was pulling me from behind, I tried to make the person let go. It wasn't working. I could feel strong hands on my collar, touching my neck too. A slight shiver ran through me.

"Let go!" I choked out, and I was released. I fell to the floor, panting hard. What was this person doing to me? I felt hot air on my ear and waited for something to happen.

"Hello there," The person whispered. I didn't look at the person for they had a mask on. Also I couldn't move, my muscles weren't listening to me.

"H-H-Hi," I said stuttering.

"Could we make a deal?" He whispered into my ear. I still couldn't move.

"...No," I said standing my ground even though I knew this was dangerous.

"Hmm... I'll tell you what it's about..." he said in my ear. That's when I decided to look at him - and he was gone.

~a chuckle~

"W-Where'd you go?" I asked terrified by his quick movement, trying to figure out whether he was even human.

"I'm right here," He said suddenly sitting right in front of me on the floor. We were now face to mask sitting on the ground. There were eye holes, and a mouth hole, but I couldn't see the rest of his face.

"What's the deal?" I said terrified at how he got so close in a matter of seconds.

"You have to take a walk with me," he said mysteriously.

What? Take a walk with him? What was he talking about?

"Um... A walk?" I said even more worried and terrified.

Catch Me If You Can (Naughty Cinderella - Vampire)Where stories live. Discover now