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I hate it because I'm not good at it.

I hate it because it's so hard for me.

I hate that I can't put the scenarios in my head into words.

I hate all the grammatical errors I make.

I hate MY writing.


Wait, so I think I DO like writing. What I hate is that I am not a good writer...

I just... I want so bad to be able to write my thoughts and my feelings in a way that people will understand, in a way they can relate. But, I can't. It's just not something I'm good at. (Not that I'm good at anything else.)

I try, I really do.

I enjoy being in control of what happens in a story. I feel accomplished when I finish and see everything I've written down. I stare at my work and feel like for once I've done something right.

But, all that changes when I hit the publish button... I freak out and go back to re-read what I wrote, trying to find any mistakes. And, I find them. Lots of them. Mistakes everywhere.

And, it's entirely my fault for never paying attention in English class. (Or any other class for that matter.) I even took a creative writing class but it seems it didn't help at all.

Oh, and you know what makes this whole thing worse? That I know two languages and I can't be a good writer in either one of them. You wouldn't think it's possible but my writing is SO much worse in Spanish. It's sad.

I know I judge myself too harshly and I'm trying to stop that. I tell myself that my writing can't be THAT bad, that there are probably other people who are worse at writing than me. It helps a little so I leave it at that.

Everything is all good, until.... I read another person's work. I try to enjoy the story I'm reading but I can't. All I see is their perfect writing, they way they put everything into words.

I start comparing my writing to their own and realize how bad my writing actually is. And I realize that I will never be as good a writer as them.

So, I give up. I stop trying.

And that, children, is why I am horrible at updating my stories.

Good thing no one actually reads them, otherwise there would be so many disappointed people.

Right now, the only person I'm disappointing is myself.

Just Me, Myself, and IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora