Chapter 29: Miracle in me

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Ryder's arms were tight around me when I woke the next morning. Any other time, I wouldn't have done anything since he's always doing this but this morning, Ryder was shaking terribly.

"Stop.. please... stop," he started muttering. Immediately, I twist out if his arms and try to wake him up. "Leave her alone! Stop it!" He mumbles. Frantically, I shook him, "Ryder, wake up!" I yell.

His mutters grew to yells as I started hitting his chest lightly. I let out a cry of my own, scared tears falling from my eyes, "Ryder King, wake up!" I screamed loudly. "Stop! Just stop it!" Ryder yells, his head twisting back and forth.

Sobbing, I collapse against his chest, "Carlisle!" I scream hoarsely, "Carlisle!" I keep pounding at Ryder's hard chest until I'm suddenly pulled away from him and Carlisle takes my place, hovering over him. I thrashed around in the arms the held me, screaming, "Ryder! Wake up!"

A hand started pressing my head into a hard shoulder and i go limp in whoever's arms. Sobbing hysterically into the person's shoulder, I clutch tightly to the person. I couldn't see what was happening to Ryder but after a few moments, I hear his yelling being replaced with his sputtering as if he had water thrown on him.

"What the hell, Carlisle?!" Ryder yelled, outraged, "Why the- What's wrong with Keeva?!" His anger deflated in seconds while worry and concern replaced it. I push away from the unknown person and jump onto Ryder, not even caring that his shirt was half-soaked in water.

"Ryder, what happened?!" I cry frantically, straddling him while he lands on his back from where I jumped on him. He looks up at me, confusion in his eyes, "I just had a bad dream, princess," he said slowly. I bit down hard on my quivering lip, "Your yelling was so bad," I sputtered, "I-i-" I'm cut off by Ryder covering my mouth with his hand.

He sits up and cradles of my fave in his hands, "I'm okay, Keeva," he whispers. Carlisle pushes Ayato out of the room and closes the door behind him, leaving us both alone. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hug him, trying to gain control of my tears. "I'm sorry," I whisper, "I was just so worried and-"

Ryder cuts me off again, kissing me passionately. He pushes me backwards until my back is pressing against the mattress with hovering over me. He grabs my wrists in one hand and pins them above my head while his other brushes across my abdomen. When I tensed, Ryder pulls his free hand away and raises it to my face.

"I love you," he pants when he pulls away finally. I managed to twist one of my hands free from his and use it to brush the hair out of his face, "I love you too, Ryder," I whisper. Ryder lets go of my other hand and rolls off me to lay beside me. His head turns to face me and I smile as our eyes meet.

"I'm proud of you," he murmurs, "The way you handled my dad even though he can ruin your life with just one business call." I chuckle quietly, "Are you sure he's even your dad? You looked nothing alike and your personalities are completely different, aside from being intimidating And impassive," I say.

Ryder lifts a eyebrow, "You saying I'm impassive?" A teasing smile plays on both of our lips and we roll over on our sides, still facing each other. "At times, yes," I answer, threading my fingers through his hand that wasn't laying across my waist.

He brings our hands up and slowly brushes his lips across my knuckles. His golden eyes pierced into mine as a blush rises up in my cheeks. "I love your easy blush," he murmurs, trailing the tips of his fingers across my cheek.

Ryder sat up suddenly and leans against the headboard before grabbing my guitar off its stand near my bed. I sit up and sat next to him when he beckoned me.

He balances the guitar on his leg while pressing a light kiss to my temple. Than he starts playing. I immediately recognized the tune as Miracle by Shinedown.

"Say it once, tell me twice. Are you certain I'm alright? Just a sigh to tell me, that tomorrow with the fight. Ever changing the story line that keeps me alive," he sings, gazing at me.

"So make a wish, and say. Give me life, give me love, scarlet angel from above. Not so low, not so high. Keep it perfectly disguised. Ever changing the story line that keeps me alive. My Mona Lisa making me smile. Right before my eyes!" I giggled when he winks playfully and join him in the next part.

"Take another look, take a look around. It's you and me, its here and now. As you sparkle in the sky, I'll catch while I can. Cause all we are is all I am." We sung perfectly with each other. "I just want you to see, what I've always believed. You are, the miracle in me!,"

"Show me faith, like you do. I'm amazed at how you move. Side to side, front to back. You know how to make it last," I sung just as Ryder stops playing. He smiles at me, "Your voice is so beautiful, princess," he whispers, leaning in. Exhilaration starts pumping through me once again when his lips finally touch mine.

My guitar is still resting on his leg, forgotten, and Ryder's left hand is holding the back of my head while his head is tilted to the side to deepen the kiss. My head was tilted up-even sitting down, Ryder was still taller-and my hands laid in my lap, holding his other hand and our eyes were closed.

We were too absorbed in each other, to hear the door creaking open are see the people coming in. Though, we did hear the throat being cleared but we simply chose to ignore it.

"I think we should just leave and not invade their privacy anymore," I hear Ella whisper making me pull away from Ryder. Shit, his mother walked in on us. Ryder didn't seem to care though, because he just pulls my head back up and kisses me once again.

"Go away," he gasps out when he pulled away a few moments later. I hear laughing, shuffle of feet, and than the slam of a door. Ryder presses his forehead against mine as I panted. "I can't believe your mother saw us," I moaned, embarrassed and no doubt, flushed redder than a tomato.

Ryder chuckles, "She doesn't care, baby, she's just happy that I'm happy," he pauses, "But yeah, that is a bit embarrassing." There was a moment of silence before a small giggle falls from my lips. My eyes open to see Ryder grinning boyishly at me.

"You find me intimidating?" He suddenly asks, recalling what I said earlier. I nodded, "I find a lot of guys intimidating but you most of all give off the don't mess with me vibe," I answered. "Or don't mess with my girl," he whispers.

My breath hitches at the intensity of his golden eyes. "Keeva?" He whispers. I wet my dry lips, "Yes?" He was so close, I could feel his breath on my lips, "You're the miracle in me." Than he kisses me once again.

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