Makoto X Self-harming Reader

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~Warning there will be adult language and some violence read at your own risk~
Sitting in your desk chair your eyes started to focus on the boy you liked. He turned his head in your direction and gave a smile. Blushing you immediately bury your face into your arms. Laying there you thought 'Why do I always have to like someone I have no chance with.' The bell rang for free period. Getting up you grab your bag and left the room. Heading upstairs you accidentally bump into someone. "Watch where you're going cutter." The guy said. Brushing it off you move past them. A friend of the guy grabbed your arm "Where do you think you're going. You owe us bitch." You winced in pain as his grip tighten. He flung you against the wall and came closer to your face "Oh sorry did that hurt. Well, let me give you some more." He said gripping your hair harshly. The same guy you bumped into began kicking in your abdomen. A tear started to well up in your eyes. But you didn't scream or yell. With one last kick, you fall to your side coughing out blood. "Aww lookie there she is alive." He said laughing. "Next you won't be so lucky emo bitch." Another guy said. As the three of them left you scrambled to your feet, you continued to the roof. You headed over to the edge of the fence that prevented people from falling off. Reaching into your bag you grabbed the sinful blade. Rolling up your sleeve you pressed the cold metal into your scared flesh. You repeatedly cut farther down your wrist. Watching the scarlet tears roll off and drop onto the cement. You clean yourself up and wrap it up with your ankle wrap. Faintly hearing the bell you sighed and head back to your class. Shortly arriving after the warning bell you headed to your seat. "(L/N) what happened to you?" Asked your teacher. Now with everyone was looking at you. "I tripped." You say softly. "I've heard that excuse before. Now tell me what happen." She said with a stern voice. "I got hit by some guys." You said going back to burying your face. 'Why did say that. Now they'll break more of my ribs. I'm so useless why couldn't I just say I ran into someone and fell.' You thought. "Tachibana, could you take her to the nurse?" She asked. "I can go myself." You said getting up. You grabbed your bags and left the room. "Makoto please follower her and make sure she gets there." She said. "I will." He said getting up and persuaded after you. Grabbing what you need from your locker closing it. You start to head toward the front doors. "Hey wait!" You hear behind you. Ignoring the voice you continue walking. He quickly ran to you and grabbed your wrist. Tears fell from your eyes from the burning pain shooting up your arm. "Let go of me." You said with a shakeup voice. "I'm sorry. I can't do that you need the nurse's office." He said in a gentle tone. You gained your arm free from his grasp. "Just go back to go class. I don't need help from you or anyone else. So just leave me alone!" You shouted at him. Running out of the school you headed to the closest park. Climbing up a tree you sit there with your knees close to your chest. Tears fell from your eyes saying to yourself "Now I'm going have to buy some more peroxide." Looking at your sleeve that is now stained with blood. Burying your head into your lap. "(Y/N)! Where are you!" You heard Makoto yell. "Just go away." You cried to yourself. "I can see you up there. Please come down." He said standing below the tree. You didn't say anything to him. "I know your hurt. You bled on my hand." He said looking up at you. "Go away!" You yelled at him. "No! Your hurt and I want to help y-" "I don't care if I'm hurt! Just go away and don't ever talk to me again!" You said cutting him off. "Why are you so afraid of someone helping you?" He asked. "I'm not afraid. I just don't want to be beaten again because I'm talking to you." You said as more tears fell from your eyes. He stayed silent and started to climb up. You continued to sob into your chest. Not even noticing he was behind you. "I know you're afraid. You're scared of being wanted. You're so used to being invisible by others. If you think that way then when I smiled back at you. You would have acted like it didn't happen. You're selfish. You want to be noticed, to be helped but you know that in your heart you would just reject it. You hide your feelings inside your blade so that people won't know your alive." He said wrapping his arms around you holding you in his embrace. "What would you know about being invisible. You're a jock. You have friends. Hell, your the captain of your swimming team. I have nothing, no friends, no place I feel safe in." You said frustrated. "I may be a jock, but that doesn't mean I don't know what it's like to feel helpless." He replied. "Oh yeah. Then tell me how you've felt that way. I live in a broken home. I see my mom being beaten by my drunk dad almost every day. Do you know how painful it is to see the people who gave you life beating each other in front of you!" You yelled bursting into tears. Sitting in shock he had no words to say. Think of what to say without adding salt to injury. He said "Stay with me. I understand you love them, but you can't be around that. It'll just get worse if you stay. If they truly love you they will want you back. Then they can reflect on how you felt by it." He said hoping he didn't step on the thin ice. "It wouldn't matter if I was there or not they would just beat themselves to death." "Let's go to my house. It's not far from here. You can get cleaned up and soak in a warm bath." He said changing the topic. Sighing you looked at him "Are you sure your parents want a cutter in their house. What if I try to kill myself?" You asked. "Then I'll stop you. Plus my parents would stop you and make sure you get all the love you need." Smiling at him tears rolled down your face. "Let's go home." He said hugging you.

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