Rin X Reader ~Birthday Boy~

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~I know it's tomorrow but I know I'll forget about so here it is anyway. Hope you like it.~

You've been preparing for his birthday for about a week now. But you didn't know what to make him. Knowing he doesn't like sweets. That boycotts cakes or baking in general. You already had his gift pick it was a (gift) wrapped in red and black paper. Still confused on what to make you decide to YouTube it. There is always good cooking videos on there. Trying to think of what to search you typed 'How to make a cake that isn't sweet.' Nothing but weird videos popped up. Think back to what he likes to eat you chose to make some skirt stacks. Why not pancake them and cut holes on top one to put the candles. 'A steak cake!' Beautiful you thought to yourself. It was 4:45 pm already and he was to come over at 5:00. You had fifteen minutes to get the steak ready. It's going to be close but you were able to finish it just in time as you heard the doorbell ring. You quickly put in the microwave to hide it. You rushed to the door. "I wondering when you were going to let me in?" He said sarcastically. "Oh, hush. Go to the living room and sit down." You said pushing him in there. Pulling his cake out you placed it back on the counter. You poured some steak sauce on top and pushed in the 18 candles in and lit them. Walking into the living room with cake in hand you sit it down on the coffee table. "Happy birthday Rin." You smiled hugging him. "So instead of a cake, you made me a steak. That's formed into a cake." He chuckled. "Well, you don't like sweets so I thought this would be better." You said blushing. He pulled you into his embrace and kissed your cheek. "I love my steak cake." He said smiling. Blushing darker you managed to say "Make your wish." He smirked and said, "Why I already have you what more do I need." Annoyed you playfully pushed him and said "Oh haha. Just blow your candles out." Rin blows them out and softly laughed. "What's so funny?" You asked. He kissed you again but this wasn't on your cheek, but your lips. He pulled away after what felt like forever. He laughed with a smile and said "You blush so easily. It's cute and slightly funny." Feeling the heat rise in your cheeks you shove his gift in his chest. "But your lips are the only gift I need." He said laughing slightly louder. You turned around to ignore him. "Okay. That one was a bit too cheesy." You huffed a little then said, "Well did you like it?" He finished opening it to see his gift. You turned your head back at the right time to see him blushing. "I love it (F/N). I really do thank you."

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