Cherish these moments - A Jai Brooks Fanfiction

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Okay this is my first story I have ever wrote so please vote and comment if you have an suggestions or want more of the story. I will try my best to update all the time. I hope you enjoy it x


"OMG CHECK BEAU'S LAST TWEET" charlotte screams whilst running into the living room. I love her to bits, that's why she is my best friend but her obsession with these Janoskian boys is just crazy and quite creepy at points. "Can't you just tell me what it is, seeing your the one who wants to tell me?" I roll my eyes during my response.

She runs up to me with a huge grin on her face which shows me it must be good news. She is a massive fan of theirs, she stalks their twitters 24/7 and goes to every meet and greet they have. It's annoying as I'm her only friend, so I get dragged along against my will. It's not that I hate them, I mean they're funny boys and very attractive, but they're celebrities? That just automatically tells me they're stuck up and cocky and I don't want to waste my life obsessing over boys that will never care for me and are proberly idiots anyway.

Going back to charlotte, she stares down at her phone and screams beaus tweet. " We are doing a competition today at 12pm to give you sexy fans a chance to spend a day with us all tomorrow, all you have to do is rt this and we will pick a fan at random" she catches her breath after quickly reading it, she is freaking out now but I know she won't get picked. " I'M RETWEETING ON ALL MY FAN ACCOUNTS, PLEASE RT ON YOUR ACCOUNT AIMEE PLEASE" She asks as if she is going to give me the choice. I retweet it, just to shut her up.

It's 11:52am so in under 10 minutes I'm going to have a day full of complaining and moaning about how charlotte didn't win this stupid competition. I mean even if she did win, they won't care about her, they may flirt for a bit of fun but just to bed her after. The fact is Charlotte proberly would jump into bed with one of them because 1, she is crazy about them and 2, she is a virgin and she says she is saving it for "someone special". By saying that I know she means one of them, preferably James as he is her favorite.

They would be lucky to have her attention, she is a beautiful girl, she has sparkling blue eyes and long blonde hair. She is basically everything a girl wants to look like, the looks, the big boobs, big bum, insanely smart and to top it all off she is the nicest and funniest girl ever. Then there is just me. I've got boring mousy brown hair, brown eyes, small boobs and bum, I basically have a small figure. I'm not smart at all, I get the average grades, mainly d's and if I'm lucky c's but no higher. Charlotte says I'm kind and hilarious but she isn't exactly going to turn round and say I'm boring is she?

It's now 11:58pm and charlotte is freaking out. She is sitting on the kitchen counter staring down at her phone. " Charl you do realize you won't win right?" I let out a slight giggle knowing this will wind her up. "YES I WILL AIMEE, STOP BEING A BITCH" I start laughing loudly. This is a typical response from her when I say stuff like that.

"IT'S 12, AIMEE IT'S 12! THEY WILL ANNOUNCE THE WINNER ANY SECOND NOW!" her shrieking voice echoes the house. I can't believe how she is getting so excited about this? It's not going to be her! This is just getting ridiculously annoying now. " BEAU HAS JUST TWEETED, ITS JUST LOADING, IM SO SCARED" She tells me and practically the whole neighbor hood. Erg I wish it will be over and done with.

" For fuck sake!" She mumbles under her breath. "What?" I ask trying to comfort her. "Beau has tweeted he is going to follow and Dm the fan who won. And guess what I've got no follow or dm". Her eyes met the ground as she tried to hide her pain. I feel quite bad for her, she really wanted to win, but life goes on. The room feels with silence as I see the pain in her eyes.

The silence broke as my phone suddenly buzzed.

Cherish these moments - A Jai Brooks FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now