19.75. Iwaoi

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Another short mini chapter... No angst this time... I promise...

Oikawa hadn't liked Tobio Kageyama from the moment they'd first met.

The way the other boy didn't care about his apperiance at all, to begin with, drove Tooru to the brink of insanity. Then there was his cocky walk, like he owned the place. Oh, and the way he spaced out when Oikawa talked. Little shit.

However, over the past few months, the kid had grown on him.

So when Tobio had come home to the dorm after garden club brooding night after night, Tooru began to worry. When he asked, Kageyama would give some off-brand answer like 'just tired' or 'haven't eaten yet.'

"What do you think I should do, Iwai-chan?" Tooru purred into his boyfriend's neck. They were currently at Iwaizumi's apartment, only a block away from Oikawa's dorm.

He ran a finger down Hajime's jaw, smiling slightly when the boy shivered at his touch.

"Well, it seems like-" Iwaizumi moaned softly as Oikawa began to suck on his soft spot. "-a problem-" another moan, "Tobio needs to work out... On his own."

Oikawa pushed away the worry that had been formulating and focused purely on having a good time.

"What would you do without me, Shitty-kawa?"

Iwaizumi's words were slightly less convincing when he moaned out Oikawa's name.

"Really? Because from where I'm standing, it sure does seem like-" Tooru ran a hand over Iwaizumi's jeans, grabbing it abruptly, forcing a moan out of his partner, "-you're the one who needs me."

(; (; (; I leave the rest up to ur imagination

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