The Question

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All people rushed around the corridors getting to class but in 2 dorm rooms it looked like a sick day was needed.

Headmaster Grim had realized that Raven, Darling, Rosabella and Gigi were sick so he let them take a sick day but since he didn't want both the rooms getting covered in germs so he put all four of them together in Darling and Rosabella's room.

But that gave them a good reason for the sleepover the following night.

"So guys, what do you want to.... today?"Darling said.

"Well, maybe we could play truth or fair" Rosie suggested.

"What's Truth or fair?" Gigi asked.

"We go one by one asking each other truth or fair, truth is when the person will ask you a question and you have to answer it with the truth and fair is when the person will ask you a thing to do and you have to do it" Raven said.

"Okay, that's sounds like a fun game. Rosabella, why don't you start?" Gigi said.

"I'll start but first you can just call me Rosie," Rosabella said

"Darling truth or fair?"

"Truth!" she said excited.

"Ummmm.....Oh I got it. Darling does Dexter like Raven?" Rosie said.

Raven was frozen like she really wanted to know but she didn't want to know.

"Dexter would not approve but since your my besties.....might as well tell. Yes, Dexter does like Raven but thinks that she doesn't even know he exists. Oh and I know your next question. The answer is no I didn't tell him that you like him. " Darling said taking a long breath.

Raven looked happy, relived and scared at the same time.

"Well, that's good and I am so shipping you too!" Rosie said happily.

"My turn, Raven truth or fair?"Darling said.

"Fair."Raven said.

"I'm gonna do the same thing I did before, hope you don't mind. Raven I fair you to go ask Dexter out to the movies."


"By what I know you have to do it" Gigi said simply smiling.

"Okay, I'll do it."

The girls except Raven giggled.

Raven walked out of the dorm with the others to the Boy wing and Dexters dorm.

Raven knocked on the door while the others hid out of sight. A sleepy Dexter opened his door with sleepy eyes but when he noticed Raven his eyes widened in shock.

"Umm, Raven what are you doing here?"

"Well I came to ask you if you'd come to the Multihex theatre with me?" she said smiling in hope and fear.

"S-s-ssure that sounds g-gort.....I mean great. Pick you up at eight tomorrow."

"Great, see ya!" Raven said walking away silently cheering and so was Dexter.

Once they got back and sat down all together the silence was finally interrupted.

"Am I a miracle worker or what? That reminds me how was your date with Daring?" Darling said looking at Rosabella.

"It was great, I feel like I finally saw the real Daring." She said dreamily.

"Rosie snap out of it, it's my turn. Gigi, truth or fair?"Raven said


"How did you end up here when you said that your sister was in the lamp and you were at school.?" she released the question from her mind on to the air.

"Well one day I was at a school show where we showed the history of how all the monsters came together and the next I'm being sucked into the lamp which appeared out of nowhere. So far that's all I know but I pretty sure that it had something to do with my sister. "

"We'll help you figure out whats up with the lamp but first we need to get rest so good night!" Raven said as they yawned and got to sleep.

But little did they know that the lamp was glowing once again but this time with urgency.

Sup my peps, so how's your lives going? Mine is pretty normal. You may be seeing a lot more of this ghost writer if you stick around. People who are reading this please vote and comment. But mostly I hope you guys are enjoying. See ya

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