Chapter 1 Neverland

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Emma POV

"Are you alright?" Snow asked.

I didn't feel like answering. I was too heartbroken to answer any question. If I did, I knew I was going to start to break down crying.

"I know that you must be feeling down, Emma, we're just trying to help you." David tells me.

"Sweetie, I know you blame yourself to what happen to Neal and Henry and Jessica, but it wasn't you're fault." Snow says.

"I don't, I blame you! Because of you, I listen to you, telling me to stay for Henry and I listen to Henry. He wanted me to break the curse but I never wanted that. I should have taken Henry and none of this would be happening." I yell at both of them.

"I know, but you would have taken him away from his sister, his best friend, but you're right. Don't you care about Jessica too? I thought you did." Snow says calmly.

Of course I care about Jessica. I care about them both, I thought.

"Emma, calm down. Everything will be alright. We will get Jessica and Henry back. We're going to get our family back." David says with a little smile.

"How can you two be so optimistic?" I yell at them again.

"It's who we are." David answers.

"Why? Ever since the curse was broken and you remembered that you were Prince Charming and Snow White, well your life's have sucked!" I keep on yelling.

"But we found you." Snow says.

"And lost countless people. Because of the curse I lost many people. I never wanted that! I lost Neal and Henry and Jessica! I lost all my family except for you. But I need the other people in this family." I yell.

"The moment I realize that there is no hope, I will let go." Snow says.

Jessica POV

"What are you doing?"I ask them as they start to make a fire.

"Are we making some s'mores?" Henry joked. That's what I loved about him.

"We're making a signal so the home office knows we made it here, since our communicator is working." Greg explains.

God, I hate this guy!

Then we all hear a ruffle in the bushes and a bunch of teenagers come out. They are all wearing the same thing and then I realize I knew who they were from a story I knew too well. The Lost Boys.

"Who are you?" Greg asked with a attitude.

"We're the home office." Says a boy with blond hair.

Was he the leader?

"The home office... is a bunch of teenagers?" Tamara was speechless.

"Those are The Lost Boys." Henry says.

"Hand the boy and the girl over." The blond hair guy demanded.

"Not if you don't tell us how to get out of here." Tamara demanded.

"You're not getting off this island." He says with a smirk.

Then all of a sudden, a shadow appears and rips Greg's shadow in front of our eyes. I wish I covered Henry's eyes.

"Run! Both of you!" Tamara yells at us.

"Get them!" The blond hair teenager demanded.

Me and Henry run as fast as we could. I mean, this was our life we were talking about. We had to get out of this place. But I know Emma and her whole family will come and save us. I mean, save Henry. No one would save me, they would probably leave me on this island. No, they wouldn't, they cared about me too! Then all of a sudden, I don't hear footsteps behind me.

"Okay, Henry, we can rest now." I say as I look behind me.

But there was one problem, he wasn't behind me.

I lost Henry on a huge island where I had no clue where I was going.

Peter Pan POV

I've been with Henry for a while and he actually believes that I was a lost boy. I am, but I'm the number one lost boy and not the most behaved boy. After he jumped off that cliff, I realized that he was the truest believer. He believed anything could happen.

"See, if you can believe you can do anything, you can." He tells me.

"You couldn't be more right Henry." I grin.

"I never told you my name. You are a lost boy. You work for Pan." He says, finally getting it, but not quite.

Then he realized that I wasn't who I said I was. He was asking me too many questions that I didn't care for. I was just ready to play.

"Henry, you don't even realize that I AM PETER PAN." I say.

He shakes in head, like he's in denial. I raise my fist and say "Come out, boys and bring out guest of honor."

Henry looks around and then he sees a sister. "Jessica?"

"Let's play!" I say, smirking at him and then looking over at his sister.

Emma POV

"Okay, we need to start doing this right. We need to do this together because if we don't, we won't succeed." I say to all of them.

"You want us to work together? With all the stuff the has happen to all of us." Regina questions.

"Okay, I know there is a lot of hate here, I realize that. But we need to get Henry and we have to do it together. It doesn't matter if we're a pirate, hero, princess, villain, we need all those people. This is the only way we will succeed. By being who we are." I mostly give a speech.

"And what is your skill, savior?" Regina asks.

"I'm a mother and I'm also your leader. Help me get back my family or get out of the way!" I say walking away.

Everyone follows after me and I finally excepted that I would get my family back even if it was the last thing I would do.


I hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you thought of it in the comments




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