Chapter 14 True Love

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Jessica POV

  I feel pressure against my lips. That's the first thing I feel when I wake up. I open my eyes and gasp at the same time. I look to see Peter hovering over me. He was kneeling down next to me, smiling.

  I stare at him and hug him. He said it; he said he loves me! I couldn't believe it. And this time, it was the truth. He wasn't lying to me.

  I look over at his shoulder and see Henry on the ground, not moving. I let go of Peter and run over to Henry. Emma, Neal, and Mom were kneeling next to him.

  "What happened?" I ask, worried 

  "He's dead because of your precious Pan." Regina spats.

  Suddenly, I remember what happened. Henry gave Peter his heart and he died because of that. But I'm suppose to be dead too. Somehow Peter woke me up, but didn't wake up Henry.

  "Since I woke up, shouldn't Henry? Since we're connected?" I question.

  "I don't think he's going to wake up." Neal observes.

  No, he has to wake up. I need him to wake up!

  I was crying, but I was pissed. "EVERYONE LEAVE NOW!" I was yelling, then got softer. "I need to talk to Pan." I turn to my family. "Take Henry with you."

  Everyone leaves me and Peter alone. He must have not known that I was pissed because he came up to me and kissed me. I push him away; it wasn't that I didn't enjoy it, I was just mad at him.

  "What's the matter?" He asks me.

  "What do you think? You killed my brother and me! Because you were selfish and didn't want to die? Who the hell does that?" I was yelling.

  "But you didn't die." He says smiling softly. He takes my hands in his. "I brought you back to life. Do you know why?"

  I pull my arms away from him. I was looking at him in disgust. "Why?"

  "Because it's True Love." He answers smiling brightly.

  "No, it's not! If it was True Love, you wouldn't have killed my family. You wouldn't have hurt everyone I care about. That's not love." I shake my head.

  He was shocked. He didn't say anything. I stand there, staring at him and waiting for him to say something.

  "What do you want me to do?" He asks softly.

  "Why don't you figure it out?" I was really pissed off at him.

  He has a look that says he knows what to do. He takes right hand and digs into his chest. He takes out Henry's heart and hands it to me. "Here. Take it and save your brother."

  I take the heart and be careful not to crush it. I look at him. "You know I can't be with you." I was tearing up.

  He looks down. "I know."

  I hug him. "Goodbye, Peter Pan." I let him go and leave him standing there.

Emma POV

  "What is taking her so long?" Regina groans.

  "Regina, she's been through a lot. Giver her time." I tell her.

  "I would, but she's alone with the boy who killed our son. That worries me a little." Regina explains.

  "He wouldn't hurt her." Neal buts in.

  "How do you know?" I ask him.

  "I saw it in his that he really does love her. I saw it before Henry or her died. The way he says her name is like one might say how Snow says Chamring's name." He explains.

  I never thought about that. Could Pan be Jessica's True Love? If that was true, our family would be messed up even more.

  "So, what, you think they are each others True Love?" Regina asks.

  "Maybe. We'll find out." Neal shrugs.

  I don't think Regina would approve of her daughter dating Pan. I wouldn't either. There was no way I would let her.

Peter Pan POV

  I just there in shock as Jessica walks away. I lost her again. Will I always lose her and never get her? Because that's what it seems like.

I gave up everything for her. I'm going to give her up my whole life for her. I would give up anything for her. But now I would probably never see her again.

That's the price I paid for saving her.

Jessica POV

  I was defiantly crying. I hated him but I loved him so much. Was it possible to hate someone so much but love to death?

  I hurry up and catch up to my family. They were at the shore and I rush up to them.

  "Hey, guys! I got Henry's heart." I tell them.

  They all gather around me and we decided that Regina should put it back in. We were all hoping that it would work. Regina grabs his heart from my hand and puts in it carefully. I was holding my breath and I could tell everyone else was too. Then Henry gasps and open his eyes.

  I was so happy, I just ran to Henry and gave him a big hug. I was sobbing, but it was the good kind. He chuckles.

  "Next time, listen to me." I tell him.

  "Yeah, I learned my lesson." He says back and I do a small laugh.

  Then everyone comes over and we have a big group hug. We were all so happy. We were all big one happy family and could go home and act like none of this happened.

  Behind us, we hear someone clearing their throat. I look behind him and see Rumple.

  "Where have you been?" Neal asks.

  "In Pandora's box." He answer seriously.

  "What?" I ask.

  "Pan put me in there and then just let me out. I left before I could kill him." He replies.

  "Why didn't you?" Regina asks.

  "Because of Jessica. I know she cares for him." He answers.

  I take a deep breath. "Let's just go home now. I'm tired of being at Neverland." I get up and put Henry in the boat.

  I was ready to go home.

Peter Pan POV

  I let Rumple go because of her. I'm letting go of everything because of her. She saved her brother and was leaving the island. I wouldn't stop and I couldn't even if I wanted to. She was probably on the Captain's ship already, getting to leave.

  I stop for a second. I can't let her leave. She means to much to me. I have to try to stop her. I love her and I'm not going to loose her again.

  I thought about running to the ship, but that would take to long. I decided I needed to appear in front of the ship. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.


  "Jessica, wait!" I yell, seeing her walk on the ship.

  She turns around and sees me. She walks toward me. "What are you doing here Peter? I thought we were going to say goodbye."

    "You need to listen to me. I want you to make a choice, but I want you to make the choice that you believe is right. Don't choose what you think I would want or your family would want. Choose what you would want." I tell her.

  "Where is this coming from? And what choice?" She was confused.

  "Do you want to stay here with me or go back home with your family?" I ask her.

  I waited for her to pick what she wanted to do. I take a deep breath.

  She looks at me. "My choice is...."



What is Jessica going to do? Who will she choose? Her family or Peter? Tell me what you think in the comments.

I hope you liked this chapter!!!!




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