Chapter 7 Take A Walk Part 2

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Jessica POV


  I was so mad at Pan! How dare he yell at me like that! I thought he was changing, but I was definitely wrong about that. The was the first time I ever heard him yell at me, but you don't yell at me like that unless you want me to kick your ass.

  "Can we talk?" says a voice, Pan's voice. I didn't answer him. "Okay, I understand that you don't want to talk, but just listen to what I have to say. I'm sorry, I truly am. I'm an ass, a very big one." I laugh at that. He smiles at me. "Can you take a stroll with me and I can tell you anything you want to know?"

  "And what kind of stroll?" I ask him.

  "The one where no one has every had with me." He answers with a smile.

  "Okay, I'll take a walk with you." I smile back at him.

Peter Pan POV

  When we were taking a walk, I forgot about everything that was happening on this island. The Lost Boys, Henry, Henry's family, and how and why I wanted Henry and Jessica. It was nice to relax. I haven't done that in a while. It was strange being around her, she was really fun to be around and made me happy. I didn't want to admit that, but it was true, no matter how much I denied it. We were joking about everything and she thought I was really funny, but I never thought I was. Her laugh was so wonderful. It sounded like an angel if you knew how an angel sounded like when they laughed. She had the most beautiful blue eyes and they shined really bright, alive. I noticed everything about her body; it was beautiful all over.

Jessica POV

  I thought the walk would be boring, but it was actually really fun. At least for me it was. I didn't know about Pan. I thought he was really funny, he could make me laugh at any time. With him, I could talk about anything with him. There was something that interested me, maybe it was his personality. Not Pan's personality, but Peter's. I never thought about him as Peter but only Pan. But something changed in him and I want to find out.  

  "I bet you are hating this walk." He tells me.

  "No, it's kind of fun." I answer truthfully.

  He smiles.

  "But you promised to answer any questions I have and there is one thing that I want you to answer truthfully." I tell him and he nods. "How come when you're around me, when we're alone, you sound all soft but around everyone else, you sound like the monster everyone believes you are?" I didn't want to call him a monster, but what was I suppose to say?

  "You really want to know?" He looks down and I could tell that he was truly broken. I nod very slowly. "A very long time ago, I had parents I loved more than anything. One day, they went to the market and I was waiting for them for long time, but they never came home. I never saw them again and then I came here to Neverland. That's my story. And the reason I'm so soft around you is because I feel like you can understand what I've gone through. Your parents abandoned you and never came back." He explains to me.

  I tried to take that all in. He was a lonely lost boy; a boy who has been lonely for a very long time and had no one. I was very lonely girl until I got a family. Until I found Henry and Emma and everyone else I care about. But Peter was the only one I could relate with in my life. I couldn't even relate to Emma, I never could. I look at his sad face; a broken face and see myself. I look into his beautiful green eyes and I just wanted to hug him. But I knew he didn't want a hug, like I never did when I felt alone; I just wanted to have company.

  "Peter," I sigh, "I am really glad you told me this. I'm glad that you trust me enough to tell me."

  He looks at me like he's surprised. "That was the first time you called me Peter and not Pan." he informs me softly.

  "Maybe you're not Pan. Maybe you're Peter." I tell him as I smile at him. He smiles back and we walk back to the campsite.

Henry POV

  Someone was poking me in the back with a stick and it was Luke. The guy who I cut in the cheek.

  "Please I don't want to start anything! It was an accident, I didn't mean any of it!" I started telling him.

  "That's not why I'm here. I have a message for you, from your family. They are here on this island, looking for you and Jessica." He tells me and hands me a small mirror.

  "Henry!" I hear Emma's voice and look down and see that she is in the mirror.

  I look right back up. "This is a trick, from earlier. Me for cutting your cheek."

  "No, Henry! Listen, this isn't a trick! We're real! This is Operation Cobra!" Emma says.

  "Hey, Henry!" Snow says.

  "Henry, we promise you that we on this island and we are coming to get you and Jessica! Where is she anyway?" Regina asks.

  "She's with Pan, exploring the island." I answer.

  "We love you and her! Tell her that when she gets back, but don't let Pan know that-"

  "Shhh! Someone is coming." I look behind me. "It's Pan and Jessica, they're back. I have to go!" I drop the mirror and smash it. I walk away.


Hey, Neverlanders! Sorry for not updating for the past couple days! I have been busy with other stuff.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! It took me a long time to write this for some reason




BTW thank you for the 1K reads!!! Love you all <3

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