Chapter 13 Save Henry

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Emma POV

  We make it to Skull Rock, finally, and I walk straight ahead but something blasts me back.

  "What the hell was that?" I say.

  "A protection spell. It was meant for someone who doesn't have there shadow." Rumple explains. "And that's me."

  "Why does he want only you to cross the protection spell?" Neal asks.

  "Because he wants to talk to me. He doesn't want anyone to know what goes on between me and him." Rumple states. He had a strange look in his eyes.

  "What happened between you two?" Jessica asks.

  "Peter Pan destroyed my life. He destroyed everything that I care about." He answers and then he walks away.

  We all look at each other. There was something that Rumple wasn't telling us.

Peter Pan POV

  "Look who joined the party." I say, seeing Rumple.

  "What do you want, Pan?" Rumple says.

  "I needed to talk to you." I answer truthfully.

  "About what? I don't want to talk to you anymore." He shakes his head.

  "I want to offer you a deal. Help me and destroy the Charmings. They won't love you, not after they know about the prophecy. They hate you now. They don't love you." I explain to him.

  "I beg to differ. What about Jessica? Don't you want her help?" Rumple says with a certain look in his eyes. I knew that look to well; I used it on people all the time.

  "What about her?" I ask.

  "You love her. I can see it in her eyes." Rumple concludes.

  "I don't love anyone! I don't need anyone! You should know that more than anyone." There, I said it.

  "You really don't want to start this." Rumple warns.

  "Oh, I think I do! If you're going to trap me in Pandora's box, at least answer my questions." I saw the look on his face. "Oh yeah, I know that you're going to use Pandora's box on me."

  "You really want me to answer? About how you abandon me even when you're parents abandon you and I was there for you? How mad you made me? You betrayed me... because someone told you too! You ruined my life, Peter." He emphases on my name.

  "You're blaming me? You're the reason why I'm here! If it weren't for you, none of this would be happening. You're the one who brought me here. This is all you're fault, not mine. I think you leaned your lesson, Rumple." I raise my eyebrows. "Don't trust anyone."

  "It seems you didn't learn that lesson yourself. You trust Jessica more than anyone and would do anything for her. She is that one person you love and would be and do anything for her. But you're throwing her away for youth? I'm not the monster!" Every word he said was like a slap in the face.

  "I don't love her!" I mean, I don't think I did. "She's just a piece in the game and nothing more." I decided to end this conversation. I pull out Pandora's box. Rumple was shocked. "Wondering how I got it?" I was smirking.

  "How... it's impossible." Rumple muttered.

  "Nothing is impossible in Neverland. That's why you came here. Because you thought we would have a family here. If you can dream it, it will happen." I smile. "I'm sorry, Rumple. You could have taken my deal."

  He was confused but finally got it. "Wait, no!"

  I activate the box and trap Rumple inside. I go back to Henry and get ready to "save magic".

Jessica POV

  We all race up to Henry once we get past the protection. Emma and Regina used magic to fix it. It was fascinating to watch them. When we get to the top, we see Henry at the top, holding his heart in his hand.

  "Henry, stop!" Neal yelled.

  "Dad! You're alive?" Henry was so shocked. I mean, who wasn't.

  "Look who joined us. Baelfire, the Savior, The Evil Queen, and Jessica." He said my name like he was relieved to see me.

  "What are you doing here?" Was Henry talking to me or just anyone in general.

  "Listen, Henry, you need to get away from him. He's trying to hurt you." Emma informs him.

  "No! My heart is what's going to save magic." He really believes that.

  "No! It's not, Henry! I believed everything he said to me and he lied. Please step away from him." I tell him.

  "The only thing Pan cares about saving is himself." Regina says with hate.

  "How dare you think that?" Peter acted appalled. "I care about saving magic. They are just being selfish! They don't believe in you! I'm the only one who has!"

  "Henry..." I say.

  "We believe in you." Neal read my mind.

  "Because we love you." Emma breathes.

  "More than anything in the world." Regina finishes.

  "Wait, Henry! Before you say anything or do anything, I have a couple things to say to Peter." I admit.

  "Pan." Regina fakes a cough.

  "Peter, I know you lied to me. Probably more than I know, but you need to know something. You think no one cares for you, but that is so wrong. I care for you and what I said to you, back at the camp, was true. I love you. Peter, choose love over youth. Choose me. I won't ever leave you. Never. I will stay here until I die. Please." I poured my heart out.

  "Jessica, I'm sorry, but I have to do this. I choose saving everyone, not youth, not love, and not you." He closes his eyes.

  "Jessica, Mom, Dad, I love you too!" Henry breaks the silence. "But I have to save magic." He turns around and puts his heart in Peter.

  Henry falls to the ground and he was the last thing I see before fall to the ground. Darkness is surrounding me.

Peter Pan POV

  I didn't want that to happen. I didn't want to Jessica die. No, she can't die. I realized something that I should have seen. I was in love with her. I was so stupid. Everyone rushes to them. They were laying next to each other. They all look at me.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt them. I'm so sorry." I apologize to them.

  "You bastard!" Regina yells.

  I walk over to Jessica but they were blocking my way. "You're not getting near her!" Emma warns me.

  "Please just let me say good bye to her and if you want, then you can kill me." I beg.

  They look at each other and Neal nods. They let me pass. I was crying once I got closer to her. My heart was broken; it was like my heart was ripped out. I kneel down to her. I was sobbing now. 

  I was whispering. "I'm sorry, Jessica. I wasn't the guy you needed. I was a coward and didn't listen to a word you were telling me. Magic has a price and this is it. But I don't want you to pay it. There is one thing you should know." I pause. "I love you. More than anyone could know." I bend down and kiss her gently.

  She opens her eyes and gasps.


I hope you guys like this chapter! It was so fun to write!!! Probably one of my favorite one to write!!!

And THANK YOU FOR THE 3K reads!!! I love you guys!!!! You're amazing and stay that way XD




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