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HyeJin's point of view

My heart shatters as I read this letter. He... Jin... Jin knew he was dying and couldn't tell me?
Couldn't tell us?
Do we be mean anything to him?
Most of all could he not trust us to take care of him?

The letter
Dear my friends,
I'm sure by time I have you reading this I have fallen ill or I have died. I have been wanting to tell your his for a while now. I just... I was scared to tell you all. I didn't want to hurt you all. But I'm sure telling you guys this this easy is hurting you more than anything.
I have fallen ill and I don't think I will get any better any time soon. Every last moment I have had with you guys meant so much to me.
I have been getting weaker and weaker as the days pass by.
As I lay in bed these past few days. I have realized that I will die soon. I cry my heart out as I write these letters to each of you with s message that I have been wanting to tell you.
I'm sorry to all of you that I didn't tell you sooner. I love you all.

Your dear friend, brother, lover, proctor,

How could he do such thing to us?

"Is he really gone?" JungKook asks as he sits beside me.

"It was him in that car. It was him that feel over. It had to be."

Tears fall from my eyes at the words I have said. I can't believe that he is gone.

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