Chapter 9

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The next day we had to pack up all our things to get ready to be picked up by the bus and head to the venue. "I'm just gonna say I met up with you." I said. "Good plan. I'm gonna miss not having to hide us." Zack said. I sighed. "Me too." I said. "It was fun while it lasted." he said. "It will happen again. We can't hide it forever." I said. "True." he said. After we packed some of things Zack made us breakfast then we continued packing. We sat around talking with his parents before the bus came and got us. "It was really nice meeting you guys." I said smiling. "It was so nice meeting you too!" Zack's mom said. "I hope you two have a nice time on tour. Make sure you come and visit when tour is done." his dad said. "I will." I said smiling. "We gotta go wait outside now." Zack said. He hugged his parents and they actually hugged me. It was the first time I was hugged by parents. "See you soon." they said then we walked outside. 

Zack and I stood outside by the curb waiting for the bus to get here. Once it was here we got on and put our stuff down. "Thought I would save you another trouble and meet up here." I said then sat down. "It's really not a problem." Flyzik said. "How were your days off?" Flyzik asked. "They were great. Kinda crazy though." I said. "That's good they were great." Flyzik said then turned to Zack. "How about yours?" he asked. "Pretty good." Zack said. "How did you enjoy having us gone?" Zack asked. "It was great." Flyzik chuckled. We picked up the rest of the guys then made our way to the venue. On the way there the guys got dressed and ready. Once we got there we started to set up for the show. I got the guys ready to start meet and greet. I checked in all the fans then stood by Flyzik as he gave the fans the speech. We both went to get the guys then came back. I just hung around with Flyzik as meet and greet went on. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that the clinic was calling me. 

Oh shit this is it. I looked at Flyzik. "I need to take this call." I said. Flyzik nodded. I walked out of the room to answer the phone call. "Hello?" I said answering the phone. "Hello Ariel? We have the results of the paternity test." the lady said. "Do you have time to come down?" she asked. "I don't. I'm working and I don't have a car to go." I sighed. "Would you like me to tell you over the phone?" she asked. I took a deep breath. "Yes." I said. "Alright Ariel." she said then I heard paper rustling. "Chris and Erin are your biological parents." she said. I gasped. "Thank you." I said. We hung up and I started crying. They were my parents. I knew who my parents were. I just had to get answers from them. I walked into the closest bathroom I could find and wiped my tears away. I called Erin. "Hello Ariel." Erin said when she answered. "Hello. The results came back." I said. "That was fast. What time are you going to get them?" she asked. "The lady told me over the phone. You are my parents." I said. 

Erin started crying. "I am so so so so sorry for giving you up Ariel. Please don't hate me. I want to explain to you why. Can we meet up?" she asked. I had started crying again too. "I'm working right now. Can you come to me?" I said. "Yes. Where are you?" she asked. I told her the venue we were at. "We'll be there as soon as I can. I will call you once we're there." she said then said goodbye and hung up. I wiped away my tears again and took a deep breath. My mom. She found me. I still didn't know whether to be upset or happy or both. I checked myself in the mirror then walked back to the meet and greet. I stood by Flyzik again. "Everything okay?" he asked. I nodded. After meet and greet we went back stage to All Time Low's dressing room. Zack walked over to me. "Are you okay? I saw you leave during meet and greet and when you came back you didn't look too happy." he said. "Zack... They're my parents." I said. "That's good right?" he asked. I shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. They're coming here. We're going to talk about it." I said. "Do you need me to be with you?" he asked. I shook my head. "No. You got a show. I'll be fine." I said. "You sure?" he asked. I nodded. "I'll let you know how it goes after the show." I said. 

About after a half an hour I got a phone call from Erin saying that she was at the venue. "They're here." I said. I walked over to Flyzik. "Earlier I got a phone call telling me who my real parents were and they're here now. Can I please go talk to them? I don't know how long I'll be but hopefully I'll be back to help set up." I said. "Of course. Take as long as you need. I think we can manage without you just this once." Flyzik said smiling. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. I left the room and walked out of the venue. Everyone was already inside. When I got outside I saw Erin, Chris, and a teenage boy standing there. I walked over to them. "Hi." I said softly. "Hi Ariel." Erin said. "We have someone we want you to meet." Chris said then the teenage boy stepped forward. "This is your twin brother Tyler." Erin said. I gasped. "My twin brother?" I asked. She nodded. 

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