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Title: Unleashed

Genre: Fan Fiction, Adventure

Description: Maximum Ride Fan Fiction; Jax is a cold blooded Eraser that has learned the taste of blood and now she just can't get enought. When she's ready, she was placed in Ari's team, sent out to retrieve the Avian kids experiments, along with their leader Maximum Ride. What Jax would do to sink her canines into her flesh. But what happens when Jax begins to fall for one of the Avian kids?


The chimp screamed and cried in my grip as I tore its arm from the rest of its body, blood gushing from the wound and into my face. Its shrieks grew louder, only rousing me some more, making me thirst more blood.

With the chimp in my jaws, I jerked my head wildly, brutally shaking the chimp back and forth until its cries for help that’ll never come stopped. I spit the bloody mess from my mouth, standing back on my hind legs as Professor Harkens took notes about my excelled transformation.

            “Wonderful, Jax, great job,” he said as he scribbled down notes on his clipboard. I grinned, proud of myself as I slowly began shrinking, the black fur fading from my body and becoming smooth skin. My wavy black hair fell down and around my shoulders and messily across my face.

            “Thank you, Professor,” I said, wiping the blood from my face and hands.

            “This is great! Come with me to show Jeb our results. I’m sure you’re ready,” He smiled, speed walking towards the School. I followed closely beside him, the excitement rising inside me. It seemed as if they were training me as an Eraser forever!

All I wanted to do was go out and chase down escaped experiments like some of the others did. I was tired of being a beginner, a youngster; I was ready for the big leagues. The test chimps have been easy prey for too long. Something with more of a challenge suited my needs.

I watched as other Erasers still trained on the field, chasing around and tearing up test chimps. Some were obviously still beginners, chasing and playing with their prey like I did when I first started out almost a year ago.

Others were obviously full time Erasers, ripping their prey to shreds or even eating them like beasts. I noticed Ari among them. Ari was Jeb’s son, a cruel, almost bitter boy. I’ve rarely ever talked to him in the past, but if our meeting with Jeb goes well, tomorrow Ari will be my boss.

We entered the bright building of the School, the florescent lights beaming down on us and accentuating the white walls. I walked along side Professor Harkens through a series of long hallways, walking past many labs filled with White Coats.

They were bent over tables, mixing up concoctions of all sorts in an assortment of odd shaped beakers and test tubes. I followed Harkens into a dimly lit room with two plush sofas that faced each other. On one sat Jeb, looking older than he really was and exhausted. His eyes were dark and his dark hair was crazy, sticking out at odd angles.

            “Sir, Jax has just finished her training for the day and I believe she may be ready for the Troops, sir.” Harkens said almost nervously. Jeb glanced up at us, grabbing the clip board from Harkens’ hand. He scanned down the pages, glancing from me and back to them, a look of consideration clear on his face.

            “How old is she exactly?” he asked.

            “Sixteen, sir,” Harkens replied

            “And how many years does she have left?”

            “A little under seven, sir,”

            “Perfect,” Jeb grinned. “She’s young, strong, aggressive, cruel, and smart. She’ll be absolutely perfect. We send the Erasers out in two days to collect Angel, have her ready by then and make sure you inform Ari.”

            “Yes sir,” Harkens’ smiled. I bowed my head in appreciation before following Harkens out.

            “You hear that? You’re in!” Harkens’ grinned widely. I chuckled darkly to myself, this was going to be fun. Piece of cake.

            Maximum Ride won’t even know what hit her.

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