Night Nurse

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Title: Night Nurse

Genre: Horror, Mystery/Suspense, Thriller, Paranormal


For one reason or another, no one is head over heels for Hospitals. Needles, spazzing IVs, or homicidal nurses. 


Her high, black stiletto heels clicked against the tile flooring. The smell of roses and death followed in her path. Lights dimmed in her wake.

            “Nurse Sins to Room 108, please. Nurse Sins to 108,” the loud speaker cracked the air in the hospital lobby. She only glanced up with a look of pleasure in her eyes once before she strutted towards her needed destination, patients and doctors alike shuddering at the haunting chill of her name.

Marana Sins.

Nurse Sins’ crimson red lips curled upward into a feral grin, her black eyes glinting ghastly silver. Her hands tightened around the clipboard that she held to her chest, her red and black nails dragging along the wood once again, leaving claw marks beside older ones. Excitement and hunger were rushing through her veins.

Once she entered the hallway leading towards the west wing of the hospital, her heels echoed down the corridor, an eerie breeze gliding along her slim legs. Light fog began forming around her feet, thin and barely visible if you weren’t looking for it. Above, the florescent lights flickered, threatening to burn out and pour darkness into the windowless hallway.

Nurse Sins took a deep breath, inhaling the heavy smell of fear and decay that wafted through the air. She had just passed the morgue. At the end of the corridor, she pushed through a pair of double doors, returning to what would seem to be a normal hospital.

The moans of the sick and dying filled Nurse Sins’ ears, immediately triggering her natural instincts. With a wicked grin on her face she entered Room 108, her dreadful eyes falling upon a man possibly the age of fifty-nine-years-old. His grey hair shimmered under the bright lights, almost as tinted and pale as his gaunt skin. Weakly, he looked up at Nurse Sins’ his muscles failing to tense in terrified reflex.

            “It’s alright, Mr. Davis,” Nurse Sins’ said in a sickly sweet tone. “I’m here to make it all better,” her eyes wandered to the man’s IV, watching hungrily as the pulsing of his heart showed in slow and small spikes on the screen. Unconsciously, she licked her lips.

            “Please, don’t,” Mr. Davis’ voice was forced, weak and sand paper rough. He followed the nurse’s movements with his dull eyes. Nurse Sins grinned as she carefully placed her clipboard down at the end of the hospital bed, cautiously walking up towards the man’s head.

            “Don’t be afraid, Mr. Davis. It’s not such a terrible thing. It’s your time,” she whispered calmly to the horrified man, gently placing her soft, ghostly pale hand over his cheek. “I promise, it won’t hurt a bit,” she grinned. She reached over and unhooked Mr. Davis from the morphine and needles that were poked through his flesh. The IV went flat the moment she disconnected it from the old man.

            “Why are you crying, Mr. Davis? Everything is going to be just fine,” she assured, softly patting his arm as warm tears began trickling down the sides of his face. His lip quivered, but no sound came out.

            “I’m begging you, please don’t do this,” the sick man pleaded, his eyes wide and terrified as they followed the nurse’s every movement. She giggled as she stroked the tears away, smiling kindly to Mr. Davis.

            “Sweet dreams, Mr. Davis,” she whispered before brushing her lips against the old man’s, a chill crawling down her throat in the most pleasurable way as Mr. Davis’ heart instantly stopped beating. His mouth no longer breathing. His eyes no longer seeing. Nurse Sins could feel her skin tightening, smoothing out. Her legs slimming as red danced in her irises before fading away, her wavy black hair regaining natural shine and volume.

            “Coroners to Room 108, please. Coroners to Room 108,” the speakers rang through the halls. 

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