Tenkū no Hoshi, ten'nōsei wo shigoni motsu. Tenkū no Senshi, Sera Uranusu!
Jinkai no Hoshi, kaiōsei wo shigoni motsu. Jinkai no Senshi, Sera Nepuchūn!
Meikū no Hoshi, Meiōsei wo shigoni, Meikaku no Senshi, Sera Puruto!
Soshite, Hametsu no Hoshi, dosei wo shigoni motsu, Chisakū no Senshi, Sera Satān!
Hope you all like this art (and my japanese catchphrase of them haha! ^^)
Michi Tenoh's Artworks 2
AcakYay!!! Another one of my drawing again! Ugh...its so great to post more drawings here!