Chapter 1

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There is a tale that I've heard that once a vampire found his true love. He will let her drink his blood. That person didn't know that the one she drank is a blood already. He will lure her. And that's what they called mate, and also the memories will be erased. But when the vampire's mate is their kind, they will only suck their blood through the neck. Unlike human mate, vampire mate won't lost their memory. When it is done, he will claim you as his own possession or own property.

But I don't believe in that such tale. For me, vampires don't exist, only humans.

I am thankful that i woke up from such dream. But the moment I open my eyes, it is like that half of my dream is true. The moment I open my eyes, I am in an unknown place – unknown classroom with unknown classmates. I have my unknown identity – which is I am thankful that I have an ID with me or else I don't know what really my name is.

"Yein, are you alright? You're acting strange right after lunch."

I glance at the girl who just called me Yein. She introduces herself as Ryu Sujeong. She said that she is my best friend. I am thankful that she woke me up from that dream. She said that I've been sleeping in the class, which I am on my luck because none of our teachers enters.

"Don't tell me, you forgot my name again?"

"I-i'm fine."

A smile form from her lips. Maybe she's telling me the truth that she's a friend of mine basing on her facial expression.

"I am so worried about you. But by the way, your horsey cold older brother came here while you are sleeping. He said that he will fetch you after dismissal. Maybe in any minute he'll be here."

Now that she mention about my brother, I wonder he looks like. Horse? That means my brother is half human and half horse?

"He's here."

A tall guy with black messy hair enters the classroom. The first two buttons of his polo were open. His right hand is on his pocket. He is wearing the same color of my strange classmates.

"I gotta go!" – Sujeong.

When he stood up in front of me, I take a look on his ID, Jeong HoSeok. We have the same surname. Maybe that explains why we're siblings.

"Did you feel strange today?"

Why does he ask me that? Does he knows what's the real reason about forgetting anything? I am thankful that Sujeong (?) is not with us.

"Why did you ask?"

My eyes were fixed outside from the window. Looking out for the buildings, wondering how they were build, how old they're standing and about the people outside taking a fast walk.

"I'm your brother, I know you very well."

He said those sentence with any emotions written on his face. 'Your horsey cold older brother' maybe that explains why Sujeong mention him as a cold older brother of mine.

I feel confuse. Should I tell him about my strange feelings? As what I've heard he's my brother (?) after all.

"Yeah. I feel strange today. I have this feeling that forgot everything about me, even my own name. Gladly, I have my school ID."

At the end I told him everything. Although I don't remember a thing, he is my brother after all.

"Damn! Jungkook really do that to you."

The tone of his voice is serious, he is clenching his fist. By his looks, he is something that ready to kill someone.

Jungkook? Somehow that name sounds familiar to my ears. Something that I've heard tat before.

In my dream, it is about Jungkook claiming me to be his property!

"But why you forgot your memories?"

He stare at me from eye to eye. Before I came out from the car, he studied me from head to foot. His eyes turn red.

"I don't see bite in your body."

He instructed me where my room is, before entering the house. No, it is not a house. It is a mansion! The mansion stood up out of the city, more like I'm living in the middle of the forest because of the big trees.

When we enter the big mansion, maids fall in line as we made our entrance. They took my bag from me, and even the blazer of my school uniform. Is the Jeong really this rich?

"Young master, your friends were at the living room."

"the six of them?"

So he had six friends? Is they are all the same having cold aura? Bad vibes aura?

"Yes, Young Master."

"Take the Young Princess to her room and prepare her dinner." He glance at me before he enter the other, maybe it's the living room where his friends are. "Don't go outside in your room."

-Inside her Room-

The theme of the room is not really as girly though. The wallpaper of the room is a bunny. Everything inside the room is bunny. Is that maid really sure I entered at the right room?

Maybe, I am at my own room (?). There were girl things in the drawers and my picture at the side table. I'm pretty sure if I don't lost my memory, Jeong Yein is living as a princess. I wonder what I am when I have my memory ---

"Why you never bother to look for me at the living room?"

That voice! That familiar voice! I turn around and I saw a guy standing near at the door. He had the same aura with HoSeok. He had a messy black hair, like HoSeok, his first two buttons on his polo were open, wearing a rubber shoes, unlike HoSeok, this guy had peircings which makes him look more baddass!

"By the look on your face, maybe he is right. I'm afraid to bite you. I don't want you to get hurt that's why I cut my pulse to give you blood."

What is he talking about? Blood? Don't tell me the tale I've heard is right. No. Vampires don't exist!

"Who are you?"

Just a second, I am now lying on a soft bed with him above mine. He is really fast. How can he do that in just in a blink of an eye?

He is staring at me like searching for my soul. His eyes were red too. Why do he had red eyes same with HoSeok?

"Now that you lost your memory, it is my responsibility to make you remember everything again from the beginning."

In a second, I am on top of him! Should I scream now? If someone saw us, they'll think otherwise though.

"Do you want to remember our first meet?"

Again, in just a second, I feel his warm lips unto mine. Did I just kissed him?


The Jeong Mansion 👇👇👇👇

The Jeong Mansion 👇👇👇👇

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