Chapter 5

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- The Discussion -

"We're connected."

"We're vampires."

"Stop thinking about that."

I glance behind me. It was Mijoo who spoke earlier. She came here in our mansion to fetch me. She said that we will be meeting someone else.

"Now that you know you're a vampire, I hope that you're already aware that some hunters were trying to kill us."

That night, after Jungkook shown my forgotten memories, I took a research about vampires. Vampires try to mix with humans so that the hunters can't kill them - us. The hunters had a council, the leader had a codename 'G-Dragon'. The hunters council was called 'BigBang'. They're dangerous because the members and even the leader were freaking hotties.

"We're here."

Mijoo and I enter a mansion, like our house, the mansion was build at the forest too. But this mansion is different from us because this one is modernized.

Modern technology were installed at the mansion, thick glass wall. I wonder who live here.

"You're 5 seconds late."

A small girl, with long hair welcome us when we enter the black door room. She's cute. She had a dimple.

"She's not cute, Yein-ah. She's ugly like a duck."

I forgot that Mijoo-unnie can read mind.

"Thanks for the compliment, Maknae~ I missed you! After a week you're here again in our hang out place! Master will be happy about this!" then she hugged me.

"Yah! Act like a matured one, Leader Soul!" Mijoo-unnie almost yell at the girl who hugged me. "I don't know why you're a candidate for Leader Rapmon's mate. Both of you were opposite. Except the fact that both of you had dimples and leader in each group!"

I am now a bit confused. I thought vampires don't have leaders and group?

"We will explain everything to you, Yein-ah once the others were here and also our master." - Mijoo-unnie said.

After an hour of waiting, we were complete. There are eight girls in one room, including me. Each of them greeted me. I am even surprise to see Sujeong here. They already introduce theirselves to me. The short girl's true name is Lee Soojung, she's being called as Leader Soul, next one the girl with aegyo named Kim Jiyeon but she told me to call her Kei. The foxy girl who introduces herself as the mate of a certain master, Seo Jisoo. The short haired girl named Park MyungEun but she prefer being called as JIN, she had no mate, and she's eyeing for someone named Choi Youngjae.

"Seokjin will be furious again if he learn that you're still eyeing for that guy. I heard he's planning to make you as his mate."

"I hate a guy who likes pink! It's gay!"

The whitest girl, and keeps yawning, her named is Yoo Jiae. The rest were Ryu Sujeong and Lee Mijoo. Of course I know them already.

And my only reaction is to smile at them. They said that they're mad at Jungkook, they said that because of him I lost my memories.

"You all here." a man with mid twenties enter the room.

He's freaking handsome! Dayum! He had this cold aura.

"And even you."

He glance at me. It makes me startle a bit, when he glance at me. His voice is cold. The way he spoke is emotionless.

"I am Master L. Your master." he is creepy. "Now that you forgot everything because of that stupid bunny, I will discuss everything to you from the beginning. Anyway, do these girls already introduce themselves?"

I nod. Even his face was expressionless. But still he's handsome. He looks cool having that cold aura.

"You're all bestfriends since young. I am the one who trained the eight of you. As you heard all vampires can teleport and had the ability of healing. Each of you had a power. Soojung or Leader Soul, can conjure and control a fire. Jiae is water, Jisoo ice. Mijoo can read and control mind. JIN is master in martial arts. Kei, her ability is body manipulation. Sujeong can make a whip using her blood. And you, Jeong Yein, power replica."

Power replica? I have that power?

"Now, as we heard, the hunters were trying to kill all vampires. I heard a lot of news about it! To those who had their mates already, be careful. Jeong Yein." he look at me. Damn those creepy eyes! "You are Jungkook's mate already, so should be careful too."

"Hunters will kill first the mates. Remember, mates were connected, once the other half were killed, the other one will die too. Well, not with your case, Yein-ah. You didn't give him your blood. That means you won't die if Jungkook were killed. You will only feel pain." JIN-unnie explain. "Unlike Mijoo and Hoseok."

I won't die but I'll feel pain. It is the same when you're dying.

"We didn't die easily, unless the hunters will use the silver knife to put an end to our life. Silver knife is the only thing that can finish us." Jiae-unnie said.

"You need to learn your power." Soojung said. "Stay away from Minggyu."

Kim Minggyu. He is the other guy I've meet on the other week. Same us, I guess he is a vampire too. He had a pale skin and a red eyes.

"He's not a vampire, Yein-ah. He's a hunter."

"Why he knows about mate?"

"He is a half-vampire and half human. His father is a hunter who fell in love with a vampire. That's why he knows about that thing."

"Does the hunters know about that?"

"No. They didn't. They thought that the child (Minggyu) were dead. So, when he'll tell the hunters about us, he too will be killed, since I heard that the half-human-vampire will ruin the hunter's society." Master L said.

His dimple? He had one? He's freaking cute. I saw Mijoo-unnie glaring at me. Ugh! I forgot she can read me.


"How's your meeting with your friends?"

I was a bit startle when I heard Jungkook's voice behind my back. Pete sake! I am still wearing a towel. I am currently looking for a dress to wear. I really hate when he's teleporting to my place. It is really a bad timing! Damn him!

"It is fine. They discuss to me about the vampires society."

"Really? Nothing else?"


"We're connected. I feel it."

In a second I am lying on my soft bed, with him in top with me. I feel hot! Why i am sweating now? Remember, I AM JUST WEARING A TOWEL! A TOWEL only!

"Master L? I am more handsome than him! Got it?"

Then he kissed me. His sweet lips though.

"This is your punishment for admiring him."

I feel my face were red.

"What the!!??"

Did . . . . did he just touch my boobies? Pervert mate!!!

"You ---"

He teleport again! Damn him! Did he just came here to punished me? He's a total pervert!


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