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Jaejoong walk slowly towards the golden door. It seems like its waiting for him. Its been a while since he visit this place . It looks so quiet and serene.
He remembers everything from the past. His breath hitched at the thought. He can hear the metal scraping in his ears, the silent pleas of someone asking for his hands for rescue. It seems so fresh yet that was all in his head. It's been buried in his memories and He don't wanna come back.
He felt another painful stab in his chest, trying to ignore the thoughts in his head. He exhale an amount of air and twisted the door ever so slowly to open.
When he saw the familiar brunette sitting on her best chair he smiled.
"Jaejoong? Wow! I miss you!" The brunette was up on her chair in a record and lunge herself to Jaejoong. The latter chuckled as he protectively wrapped his arms to those petite body.
"Hello Miss Cutie pie. You sure miss me that much?" He was being rewarded by a gentle smack on his chest. And a kiss on his left cheek.
"I am glad you're looking good."
A sudden pain pass through him. He swore to himself that he would never go back in that darkest past again.
He smiled.
"What you really mean looking good is being hauntingly handsome?"
"Gorgeous is the right word Jae."
Jaejoong chuckled to himself. He remember how he always visit this room. In the past years he's been here like everyday sitting in front of this petite woman.
"How are they?" Jaejoong nodded towards those pictures pasted on the special bulletin board.
The women smiled.
"They're doing so well. They did try to do the same when you're gone. Two of them were discharge and they visited me twice. I am happy that they're doing so well right now. You remember that girl Jessica? She's back studying again."
"Good for her. At least she's doing the things she love the most. She said she wanted to be a journalist."
"She's in fourth year college now.She said she missed you. She's hoping to see you one day."
"What about the other girl?"
"Oh you mean Dara?"
"Yeah. She's quite handful."
"She was discharged too. A month after Jessica. She's now climbing her dream to become a singer."
Jaejoong smiled. He remember that Dara had been trying to sing him a song every time she feels frustrated. Every time she feels lonely. And Jaejoong will sing along with her while brushing her hair gently until she was sound asleep.
"That ridiculous girl is something. But let's admit she's like the energizer of everyone especially when she started dancing and singing."
" Oh god! That's really hilarious Jae. She laugh every time she asked me what have she done way back."
"I could have tease her more. Its just that Id never got the time."
"Well you can always visit here. You're always welcome Jae."
"Thank you Boa. You're one of the biggest reason to what I am now."
"Just promise me Jae, you will never go back on that failure again. You understand."
"Yes chief. Loud and clear."
"So do you have time?" Jaejoong asked.
"I feel like I want to put some ink on my back. Wanna come?" Boa grin and nod.
"Sure JaeJae! Let me pack my things and we'll go."
"Excited aren't you?"
Boa had smack him on the chest again.
"So much!" Jaejoong had laugh at that. She's surely the giddy type Jaejoong would always find adorable and he's so glad to find a true friend Like her.
Jaejoong and Boa had ended up in the famous tattoo shop near Seoul.
He decided to ink some inspirational script. Something that will engraved into his skin. The thing that remind him a lot of how he survive that darkest part of his life.
'The SOUL' and he place it on his shoulder blade. Boa smiled at him. The women ink a name on her wrist. Probably her boyfriend's name.
"Whose that K?" Jaejoong tease as the tattooist began rubbing a cotton and disinfectant into his skin. Boa rolled her eyes.
"That's a secret."
"I think I remember some guy with an initial K. Is it the one who can sing?"
The women blushed and gave Jaejoong a glare.
"Shut up!"
"Just trying to remind you that thing is permanent on your skin. You sure are serious huh?"
"If you won't shut up I am going to shove this needle down your throat." Jaejoong howled in laughter, its always his doing how the women get so riled up and he miss teasing her.
"Yeah as if that would make me freeze." Jaejoong rolled his eyes and he immediately winced when the machine starts digging on his skin. Boa smirk at him.
"Good for you!"
Jaejoongsmile widely when he felt a hand covered his eyes. The familiarity of that warmth makes him feel a little giddy. He always told Yunho that he loves his hands. Yunho would link their hands together and says they're exactly fitted each other. Like they complete each missing puzzle. How many times Yunho had actually kiss his hands? Jaejoong couldn't count anymore. Yunho loves kissing every fingers he has. Yunho always loves his ring finger because it symbolizes the ring Yunho had gave him, it perfectly fits the pinky finger of Yunho where Yunho says they're fated to be together and Jaejoong remember rolling on the floor laughing at his bestfriend because he just sounds so corny.
He smiled when a lips landed on his cheek. The sound of it smacks against his skin and Jae wanted to kick Yunho because his idiot of a friend always loves to show everyone how they were so close that even their friends hardly find believing them they're just best of friends. They were the so called the corny Yunjae couple. Because they're inseparable.
"Yunho~ stop molesting Jaejoong!" Taeyeon grin at them sitting across the cafeteria table. Yunho just rolled his eyes at her.
"Jae your boyfriend always loves PDA are you ok with that?" Yuri pat his shoulder showing some 'i kinda feel sorry about you' look kind of way.
Jaejoong just chuckled.
"How many times do I have to remind you guys? We're not a couple."
"We're not blind Jaejoong. We can feel the oozing chemistry you both had. Plus those moment you're staring at each other it looks like you're in your own little world." Heechul rolled his eyes. "Now tell me you're not a fucking couple? Denial, denial."
Yunho just ignore heechul and continue playing with Jaejoong's hair. Lost in the softness of those brown locks he loved so much. Jaejoong squirm a little but said nothing. The friends on the same table smirk and had this little thoughts in their head 'See? They're lost again in each other's world.
FlashBack End
Jaejoong was there again. Why those memories keep on flashing on his mind he doesn't know. Its like he was brought back always to those particular past scenes of his life without any effort of remembering it. Yunho was really a big part of his life and he regret every moment that he hadn't take a chance with him. Yunho was finally engaged. And he would never own Yunho ever again. Yunho was never his at the first place. His chest tighten at the thought but his body respond in opposite. He was feeling numb on the needle digging on his shoulder.
He just wish happiness for Yunho.
He's not ready to face the man again after blurting his emotions to him the last time. He thinks he can't even look at Yunho straight in the eye. He was too embarrassed.
Maybe they're just destined to be friends forever. Hell they can't even consider each other friends, civil maybe. But best of friends? I think if one of them effort to gain the title again their friendship would stand again.
Yunho might have move on and the word best friend was a past tense to him.
Jaejoong smiled sadly. That's life. He's destined to be alone and lonely forever.
"Sir, its all done. You can see it on the mirror." The tattooist leave him for a while to give him privacy. Boa had run out of the shop after receiving a call from her boyfriend. But she managed to finished the ink in her wrist.
Jaejoong admire the engraved letters in his shoulder blade. 'The Soul' Who was his soul? Its for him to keep that thing forever since he would never own that soul ever again. At least it was engraved on his skin.
Yunho's POV
I can't believe this shit is really coming into action. I thought it was more like introducing an acquaintance kind of thing but Jaejoong accepted Ara's invitation for a dinner with a possible date.
Jaejoong? Really?
I've no idea how Ara had managed to talk to Jae into this but that's really a magic I guess. Or maybe he really do this on purpose. To see if I'll react to this?
What the hell is wrong with him? After he admitted to me that he did love me he's coming for dinner to meet a stranger? Or worst a possible date for the next?
I mean what the hell? He's single I know. But what about his feelings for me? Did it just vanished like a wind?
This is ridiculous. I know I sound like I am a fucking boyfriend but Im not. So why I am so work up by the idea of Jae dating someone?
I won't care. I won't even look at them.
But Fuck! Who was I kidding? Just by the scent of him sending me riling up like a pervert maniac.
And now striding towards our table with all his grace.
God. He's so beautiful.
I can't even take my eyes off him. He's wearing a white V neck shirt with a ripped jeans in pair and a sneakers. Simple but so elegant.
And the next thing happen sending all my blood down south.
He smiled at me. Jesus. He smiled at me like that confrontations in the convenience store never happened? And why I am feeling so hot all of a sudden?
Ara strode towards us with a guy in tow. That must be the fucking freak he's about to be introduced to. I am still ahead when it comes to height. The guy was like 2 inches shorter than me. He has this aura that says 'I am cool in every sense of the word' kind of way.
Cool my ass.
Jaejoong choose the seat across mine with our four sitters table I would really have a hard time avoiding whatever conversation this pricked will strike to Jaejoong. And I don't really wanna hear if only I have a choice.
"Hey baby. You remember Josh? He's one of my good friend in New York and he's destined to work in Seoul for a year." Since Ara introduce the guy and I am a well mannered citizen I stood up to give a hand shake to the guy but in my opinion a fist in his jaw would be more appropriate. I don't even want to glance at Jaejoong. What the hell is wrong with me?
"I finally the guy of my friend. I've heard a lot of things about you." The josh guy said I want to ignore it but that would be so rude so i replied pretending to be interested.
"I hope its a good things."
"Sure it is!" The prick glance at Jaejoong and give him his priceless smile. I just notice how white his teeth is. Good thing he's sitting across the table or I'll be blind to how he smiled. I bet he spend grands of money on that dental clinic to make sure his teeth is so shiny you could use it for a mirror.
"And josh this Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong. Jae meet josh Trent."
I saw Jaejoong extend his hand for a handshake and josh immediately took it like a fucking kid offered a very delicious candy. I suddenly had a longing to cut his hands off and fed it to the shark.
Fucking josh he's still holding Jaejoong's hand. Does he have any manner at all?. I saw the discomfort in Jaejoong's eyes so I cleared my throat.
"Shall we order?" I want to praise myself for making myself sounds so cool and calm. Jaejoong glance but I ignore it. Feeling triumphant that he's sporting a pout on his lips.
"Sure baby!" Ara was enthusiastic at ordering her favorite salad. I still wonder if she doesn't get hungry after that piece of leaves and an amount of ceasar sauce. Oh ladies. I would never understand them.
I heard josh offered to order for Jaejoong. I suddenly had to see if he's making an impression of a guy that knows it all. Let's see then.
The waiter approach us and he readied his paper and pen to take our order.
"I'll have my Chicken Caesar salad for me please?" Ara said offering the waiter a kind smile.
"I will have sirloin medium rare with pasta."
"Umm . .. Would it be ok to order green pasta and shrimp for you Jae?" Idiot. Jaejoong is allergic to shrimp.
" He can't eat shrimp. He's allergic to it." It was too late when I realize that I actually said it out loud. Jaejoong had his eyes on me while josh nod his head in appreciation.
"What about a grilled chicken instead Jae?"
"He can't eat chicken either dude. He's allergic to chicken." And there I go again. Josh widen his eyes as he open his mouth to question but nothing comes out.
Ara chuckled beside me and pat my arm. Jaejoong is still staring at me. Take that Jae. I still know everything about you. Every single pieces of you.
"Ah ok." Josh rub his neck in embarrassment and put down the menu.
"I'll order vegetable salad instead." Jaejoong finally voice out still staring at me. His eyes challenging mine.
You want to play? Because I will ride on.
I smirk as he gave me a glare. I extend my feet under the table and reach for his foot. I saw him stiffen and gulp as I smiled. Suddenly he stood up and excuse himself for the restroom. 5 minutes later when Jaejoong still hasn't come back I excuse myself and search for him in the bathroom.
I saw him standing in front of the mirror as I enter the bathroom and lock it.
"What do you want Yunho?" I can hear the shiver in his voice so I brave myself to move forward and pasted myself in his back cornering him in front of the sink.
"I want nothing from you. But for now give me your fucking mouth." His eyes widen and he froze. I place my hand in his hips and turn him around. Without giving any chance of his protest i reach for his lips and dive for a kiss.
Jesus. He taste so sweet. I can drown myself in his taste forever.
I kiss him hard like the hungry beast I was I devour his delicious lips making him tremble in my arms. He suddenly moaned and my dick became alert. I parted his lips and search for his tongue. He's trying to struggle from me but my hands on his hips was now wrapped tightly on his torso as I pull him towards me. I can feel my own erection appearing and its not getting good by the sound Jaejoong is making so I dive for one last kiss and bit his lips before i pulled away.
"You taste so fucking sweet. I hope you'll satisfy that guy you're about to date tonight. At least I've got to taste you before him." I saw a flashed of pain in his eyes and suddenly I want to smack myself.
I know I am being harsh but the pain Jaejoong had left me before always reminds me that he needs to feel the same.
At least I saw the hurt in his eyes before I left the bathroom.
I am still not finished and I am just getting started. Whatever it takes. I'll make sure Jaejoong feels the same pain he left me.
Then I'll walk away and get married to the women who is much deserving to call a wife.

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