The Darkness that Surrounds Us.

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She ran through the woods. I could see the tree limbs snap back and hit her as she ran. The roots seemed to bulge in front of her. She tripped and fell, with a scream of terror. I smiled at her attempt to get away. I ran to her, I could have caught her in matter of seconds even if she had been running but, it was funnier to watch her try and fail. I grabbed her by her long curly blonde hair; her deep blue eyes looked wide and frightened. I brought her neck to my lips and smiled letting my fangs show.

“Good-night, sweet dreams.” I whispered, and I sank my fangs in to her neck.

Her blood filled my mouth, it was sweet, and quenched my thirst. I brought my head up, and wiped my face. The girl lay dead in my hand. For such sweet blood there wasn’t a lot of it. I sighed and stood. I started to walk away, I knew the hunters would be here in about an hour, so I had time. And I didn’t feel like fighting to night. I looked back at her one last time, then looked ahead of me and ran.

The breeze as I ran was cool against my skin. My long brown hair blew back from my face. My eyes I could imagine were red, since I had just feed. I heard the branches snapping behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks and hide behind a tree. I sun was coming up, which didn’t scare me since all those legends of vampires and the sun weren’t true, its true we prefer the night but the daylight won’t kill us. Pretty much all the legends were lies, except for a few.

I looked around the tree and saw a slim figure dart behind a tree. I juggled between running and calling out. If I ran and it was a hunter I could easily out run them, but they could track where I went; if I called out and it was the hunters, they would know where I was and I might be swarmed in the matter of a moment. I turned and climbed the tree, when I got to a good height I jumped to the next tree, then the next, then the next. As I went through the trees I looked down and saw the hunters had arrived at the girl’s body. I smirked.

The leader cursed and kicked the ground. The girl’s head moved and she stood up and hissed at them. They had gotten there to late they were going to have to fight her, she had become a vampire. It was odd that they hadn’t gotten there in time to kill her before she had changed, they usually did. The hunters pulled out rope and tried to tie her down, I almost laughed out loud. Did they really think rope could hold her? She ripped the rope as if was paper. Her eyes seem to glow with hatred.  Her fangs were out and she was in fight mood. I felt bad, it was my fault, most times I was gone by now and never gave it much thought but by herself she was going to die.

I let my fangs out and jumped from the tree. I landed in the middle of the circle of hunters. They all jumped except for the other vampire. For some reason vampires could feel other the hunters regained their composer, the leader stepped in the circle.

“Awe. Finally, we have caught you.” He said putting his hand under my chin.

I hissed at him, “You think you’ve caught me? Ha! Don’t make me laugh.”

“Oh, A frisky little girl aren’t you?” he dropped his hand.

“No, not really, I just hate you hunters. You go around killing us and call it justice!” I spat at him.

“It is justi-” but he never got to finish that thought, I jumped and kicked him into the tree about 10 feet away. He crumpled in a heap on the ground. I turned to the others and showed my fangs and hissed. They backed up. I looked to the other vampire.

“Come with me.” I told her.

She shook her head, hissed, jumped into the trees and was gone. I shrugged it off. If she didn’t want to come and live, she could die. I walked over to the leader. I smiled as I picked him up by the collar of his shirt. He eyes filled with terror. I brought him close to my face.

“You will never win against me.” I whisper in his ear. I turned to his team and tossed him at them. He hit and knocked over. half of his team, the other half stood in awe. I waved and disappeared in to the trees.

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