The Day After. (Still two years ago)

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I was running. Trying to get away, but from what? I didn’t know why I was danger, but I was. I was in a city, then the scene changed and I was in a forest. It was quiet. I saw a creature, run across the corner of my vision. I turned my head to see but it was gone. I had no idea what was happening. Then once again the scene changed, now I was in what looked like a church. There was a huge stain glass window at the front. It had two people pictured, and this strange symbol. This man dressed in all white, he had matching white hair and eyes. His hands were behind his back. As he lifted his hand I could see I slim sliver of wood. He lifted the stake above his head, when Remus burst through the glass window.

I woke up in a small bedroom. I felt stiff. My skin was covered in black and blue marks. I touched one expecting pain, but there was none. I push the mark harder, instead of pain the bruise faded. As if on cue the others disappeared as well. I stood up, the floor began to sway. I sat back down. I couldn’t stand without the ground acting like water.

“Help? Is anyone there?” I called out.

The door creaked open. Remus stood in the door way. He looked relived.

“Umm… hello.” he said. “Are you feeling alright?” he sounded concerned.

“Yay all except I can’t stand.” I spat. “What the hell did you do to me? Did you drug me? What?!”

“I didn’t drug you; you have every right not to believe me, for I have indeed put you through hell. But I didn’t mean to harm you!” he told me, his eyes were full of fear.

“Oh really then what happened last night?!” I snarled.

“Well to start it wasn’t last night. It was 4 days ago.” He said guiltily.

“Ok, so what happened 4 days ago?!”

“Ok, so you may be ‘surprised’ but I’m a vampire. And once a month I can’t control it and I need to feed. You were just walking there, it was too easy. My other half took over. I blacked out and when I came through, you were laying there. You blacked out for a couple minutes. I tried to get you back here then, but you woke up and ran. I followed you to the forest, where The Hunters found you. I then followed them to their hideout. Then I got you back and brought you here.” he finished the story.

“So what does all that mean?” I asked, I didn’t know if I should believe him or not.

“It means that you are now a vampire.” He looked down at the floor.

“Really? You expect me to believe you?” I laughed.

“Yes, you have to believe me. If you don’t I can prove it.”

“Fine. Prove it!” I spat. I wasn’t going to let him see how scared I really was. I had read somewhere that if you were ever kidnapped to not show weakness.

He looked at me and opened his mouth. As he did a set of fangs began to grow. When they finally stopped, he looked at me. He looked scared, and ashamed.

“Please tell me that’s enough proof.”

I smiled on the inside, “No. I still don’t believe you.”

He whimpered and walked over to the night stand and puled out a knife, wiggled away.

“Don’t worry, I told you I wouldn’t hurt you.” He pulled the knife across his wrist.

“What the hell are you doing!?!” I screamed.

“Giving you proof!” as he said it his wrist began to ooze a black liquid, but the cut was quickly gone, as it healed over. I sat there in awe, he was telling the truth, any normal person would be screaming in pain, but he acted as if it was nothing. I slid to the edge of the bed and tried to stand; I got to my feet and managed to walk to the mirror. When I looked in the mirror I saw a pale face. One that was somehow mine but didn’t look the same. My eyes that had once been a beautiful green were now a dull grey. I looked at the man, I now recalled being called Remus. He seemed to read my mind.

“Yes, your eyes. They will be grey until after you have feed then they will turn red.”

I saw a tear form in my eye, only it wasn’t water, it was a deep crimson color. As the tear of blood rolled down my cheek, Remus continued.

“When one first becomes a vampire, the body cannot separate blood and water. Once you get used to it you will be fine, just don’t cry in public for a while.”

“What about eating?” I asked.

“You don’t have to eat, only drink blood, once a month. You will eventually be able to drink water, which will help satisfy you for most of the month.”

I looked in the mirror and began cringe at what I had become. I was a monster. Tears of blood began to run down my cheeks, as I sat in front of a mirror, in some random man’s house.  

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